15th International ISRM Congress 2023
    & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium

    Challenges in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
    October 09th - 14th, 2023

    We will try to provide an exciting and high quality program of articles, workshops and poster presentations.

    Event Overview


    The proceedings are available in two versions:

    • Visit this interactive website. Here you can search for single papers and download them separately.
    • The complete proceedings in PDF format you can download hereAttention, the proceedings cover over 3000 pages and the file is over 430 MB big!

    Session topics

    The session topics are:

    • T01: Challenging rock engineering projects
    • T02: Comparison of international tunnelling contracts
    • T03: Deep geothermal energy
    • T04: Deep mining and tunnelling
    • T05: Digitalization & Automatisation
    • T06: Geological investigation and characterization
    • T07: Geological risks and natural hazards
    • T08: Hydropower projects and dams
    • T09: Long term behaviour of underground structures
    • T10: Monitoring
    • T11:NATM versus TBM 
    • T12: New developments in rock support
    • T13: Numerical methods in rock engineering
    • T14: Petroleum engineering and carbon sequestration
    • T15: Rock and rock mass properties
    • T16: Underground storage for liquid and gaseous media
    • T17: Rock slope engineering
    • T18: Early Career Forum (Young Researchers)

    • There will also be a session of "JTC 2 - Representation of Geo-engineering Data in Electronic Form" on Friday, 10/13/2023 from 13:45 - 15:30 in the Trakl Hall.

    JTC2 Session Program

    Important Dates

    Please note the following dates:

    Call for Papers: 01st March, 2022

    Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 31st October, 2022

    Deadline Submission Full Paper: 28th February, 2023

    Review CompletedM Mid/End of May

    Opening Registration: 01st March, 2023

    End of Early Bird Registration: 10th  July, 2023 was extended!

    End of regular registration: 30th September, 2023 (from 01st October, 2023 "Walk In Price")

    ATTENTION: Congress registrations are to be made ONLY through this website! (See registration button below the header image)


    We are planning the following workshops for you:

    Monday, Oct. 09th, 2023  

    • Workshop N (full day): Rock Grouting

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023  

    • Workshop A (full day): The Rock Engineering Challenge 
    • Workshop B (afternoon): Rock slope stability analyses - From photogrammetric 3D models to stability assessment
    • Workshop C (afternoon) : Numerical Modeling Assisted Risk Quantification in Rock Masses
    • Workshop D (afternoon): Acoustic Emission monitoring of Rock fracturing and deformation tests
    • Workshop E (morning): Rock Mechanics Challenges and Tools for Deep Tunneling 
    • Workshop F (afternoon): Rockmechanics and physics of natural stone decay
    • Workshop G (afternoon): Deep Mining Geomechanics
    • Workshop H (afternoon): On the practical use of PLAXIS for underground excavation in rock material – Application to a real study
    • Workshop I (full day): “Rock Engineering Design in Tomorrow´s Geotechnical Toolbox: the second generation (2024) of Eurocode 7 and the integration of rock engineering”
    • Workshop J (full day): Planetary Rock Mechanics 
    • Workshop K (full day): Numerical modelling in rock mechanics 
    • Workshop L (afternoon): Modern Grouting in Rock and Loose Rock Principles, Research and Best Practice
    • Workshop M (morning)The 6th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics in Nuclear Waste Disposal

    Details on each workshop can be found below:

    Workshop A: The Rock Engineering Challenge

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    For more information open the document below:

    More Information

    Workshop B: Rock slope stability analyses - From photogrammetric 3D models to stability assessment

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    For more information open the document below:

    Rock slope stability analyses - From photogrammetric 3D models to stability assessment

    Workshop C: Numerical Modeling Assisted Risk Quantification in Rock Masses

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    For more information open the document below:

    Numerical Modeling Assisted Risk Quantification in Rock Masses

    Workshop D: Acoustic Emission monitoring of Rock fracturing and deformation tests

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    Fracture imaging

    The workshop combines an overview of the physics behind fracture initiation and propagation in brittle materials, with practical examples of the use of microseismic and acoustic monitoring for the imaging of the fracture process. The examples include laboratory rock deformation tests, hydraulic reservoir stimulation in the field and fracturing associated to caving in mining. Passive and active methods will be examined, with examples at reservoir and laboratory test scales. The workshop will cover the following points:

    • Principles of fracture initiation and propagation
    • Fractures and seismicity
    • Passive imaging of fractures
    • Monitoring fracture interaction and coalescence
    • Seismic source parameters
    • Source mechanism: fault plane solution and moment tensor
    • Active surveys: deformation and fracturing imaging

    Participants will be provided with tutorials covering the topics presented in the workshop and a 1-week licence of our seismic processing software to practice and navigate through the examples of monitoring of fracturing processes at field and laboratory scales.

    Workshop E: Rock Mechanics Challenges and Tools for Deep Tunneling

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    For more information open the document below:

    Rock Mechanics Challenges and Tools for Deep Tunneling

    Workshop F: Rock mechanics and physics of natural stone decay

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    For more information open the document below:

    Rockmechanics and physics of natural stone decay

    Workshop G: Deep Mining Geomechanics

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    Aim of the workshop: To sustain the contribution of the mineral industry to the world’s economy, mining activities should take place beyond a 2,000 m depth. Violent and uncontrolled failure of rocks in deep mines is a severe threat to this goal. This workshop aims to present recent research in the area of deep mining and to facilitate discussions to exchange knowledge from research to practice. It will discuss Rock behavior and its failure in deep underground openings.

    For more information, open the document below:

    Deep Mining Geomechanics

    Workshop H: On the practical use of PLAXIS for underground excavation in rock material – Application to a real study

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    Workshop title:
    •    On the practical use of PLAXIS for underground excavation in rock material – Application to a real study

    •    Dr. Richard Witasse - Principal Application Engineer, Seequent, The Netherlands
    •    Dr. Jean-Pierre Janin -  Head of Geotechnical Unit and Underground Works, Lombardi, France


    1-    Presentation (45 min): PLAXIS modelling features for underground excavation in rock 
    •    Continuous vs Discontinuous model: PLAXIS domain of relevance
    •    Reinforcement elements: Cables, bolts, and shotcrete
    •    Constitutive models: Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, and Jointed Rock

    2-    Hand-on exercise/demo (60 min): Model set-up for 2D horse-shoe tunnel construction in reinforced rock mass – Comparison with a reference solution

    3-    Presentation (45 min): Application to a real study of a tunnel in squeezing rock
    •    Presentation of the “squeezing” behaviour 
    •    Design challenges and modelling strategy: from empirical solutions to numerical models
    •    Creep modelling with PLAXIS: The Norton-Creep Mohr-coulomb model at a glance

    4-    Hand-on exercise/demo (60 min): Consideration of creep deformation in deep underground excavations in squeezing rock

    Workshop I: Rock engineering design in tomorrow's geotechnical toolbox: the second generation (2024) of Eurocode 7 and the integration of rock engineering

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    For more information open the document below:

    Rock engineering design in tomorrow's geotechnical toolbox: the second generation (2024) of Eurocode 7 and the integration of rock engineering

    Workshop J: Planetary Rock Mechanics

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    This workshop provides valuable input on rock mechanics for space and building the basis for discussion for future space settlement. It will be structured two-fold:

    10:30 -12:30 (Part 1)

    Presentations of international experts in the field if rock mechanics for extra-planetary bodies, also including an update on the activities of the ISRM commission on Planetary Rock Mechanics.

    The speakers are (detailed CVs can be found in he accompanying document):

    Serkan Saydam (UNSW), Lead of the commission: Update on the Commission of Planetary Rock Mechanics – The New Subdiscipline of Rock Mechanics and Engineering

    Ömer Aydan, University of Ryukyus, Japan: Some attempts for inferring the mechanical properties of rocks and discontinuities in Mars

    Daisuka Asahina, Geological survey of Japan: Evaluation of the geometric distribution of Mars faults using satellite data

    Philipp Hartlieb, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria: The need for infrastructure of space settlements and the rock mechanical challenges

    Joung Oh, UNSW, tbd


    13:30-15:30 (Part 2)

    Workshop and discussion on the following items:

     a.  Why Rock Mechanics have a role in Space Colonisation and SRU

     b.  Extreme environment conditions (temp, radiation, vacuum, …), parameters, challenges…

         i.  How can we do the testing/analysis (models) in these conditions

         ii.  What can we learn from existing knowledge and industry practices…

         iii.  Potential technology transfer opportunities from the industry

     c.  The Need – colonisation/ISRU, infrastructure construction, materials handling… what do we actually need

         i.  Short/Long term infrastructure and materials handling plans

    how to develop standards

          ii.  Wrap-up and conclusions further steps

    Planetary Rock Mechanics

    Workshop K: Numerical modelling in rock mechanics

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    This hands-on short course covers:
    Numerical modeling of complex, non-linear, coupled rock engineering problems
    Simulation of rock fracture and fragmentation in 2D and 3D
    Coupled THM effects
    Rock support
    Fundamental principles of the state-of-the-art Irazu finite-discrete element (FDEM) software
    Hands-on Irazu tutorials

    Get a free full-featured demo version of Geomechanica’s flagship Irazu software!

    For more information open the document below:

    Numerical modelling in rock mechanics

    Workshop L: Modern Grouting in Rock and Loose Rock Principles, Research and Best Practice

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    2nd Floor “Paracelsussaal”


    1:00 pm

    Welcoming the participants and introduction to the workshop

    Sven Hoiser, TPH Bausysteme, Austria, Zwettl

    1:15 pm

    New impact predictions and numerical calculation models for the sealing and consolidation of rock and soil

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Conrad Boley, Boley Geotechnik GmbH, Munich

    1:45 pm

    Priciples and selection of suitable grouting materials for the sealing and consolidation of
    soil and loose rock

    Sven Hoiser, TPH Bausysteme Austria, Zwettl


    Silicate foam injections for resource-efficient soil improvement in loose soil and rock

    Johannes Jessen, M.Sc.; Centre for Geotechnical Engineering, Technical University of Munich
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Fillibeck; Centre for Geotechnical Engineering, Technical University of Munich


    From Cement Pastes to Acrylate Gels – Grouting Works for Tunnels and Dams: Theory and Application

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Wittke; WBI GmbH, Weinheim
    Dr.-Ing. Martin Wittke; WBI GmbH, Weinheim
    Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Schmitt, WBI GmbH, Weinheim


    Are building contracts in dire need of an injection?

    Or: The path of standards into the construction contract and its implementation

    Dipl.-Ing. Ignaz Reichl, Associate Director, Turner & Townsend, Vienna


    Design and execution of grouting works in the sphere of changed ground conditions

    Dipl.-Ing. Hannes Gamsjäger, Associate Director, Turner & Townsend, Vienna


    Open discussion


    Welcome Reception at TPH booth 30,, 1st floor

    Workshop M: The 6th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics in Nuclear Waste Disposal

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    For more information open the document below:

    Rock Mechanics in Nuclear Waste Disposal

    Workshop N: Rock Grouting (Monday, Oct. 09th!)

    Monday, Oct. 09th, 2023

    Short course by the ISRM commission on rock grouting

    A. Fransson

    Hydrogeology and grouting

    Understanding the project site for sustainable underground structures

    An integrated approach to tunneling, hydrogeology and grouting

    Water loss and grout take guidance to grout design and monitoring


    J. Lopez Molina

    Design methodologies for dam grouting

    Hydrogeological zonation and identification of seepage vulnerable areas

    Grouting results assessment at different scales

    Design adjustments and implementation using the observational method


    M. El Tani

    Refusal and the minimal flow criterion

    Grouting rock fractures

    Flow rate limit and running limit

    Implementation into the Swedish design, GIN and Amenability theory

    Field Trips

    We are planning the following field trips:

    Monday Oct. 09th, 2023:

    • Field Trip A: PSW Kühtai
    • Field Trip B: Semmering Basistunnel

    Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023

    • Field Trip F: Salzburger Stadtberge

    Saturday Oct 14th, 2023 Exkursionen:

    • Field Trip C: Brenner Basistunnel
    • Field Trip D: KW Tauernmoos 
    • Field Trip E: Limberg III (fully booked!)

    Details to every single excursion are available below:

    Field Trip A

    SKW Kühtai

    TIWAG (the regional electricity supplier of the Tyrol) is constructing the hydro pump storage plant in Kühtai at an altitude of approximately 2000m. With an additional water intake from the Ötzvalley and the Stubaivalley the existing power plant will have a significant extra production.

    The technical facts are as follows:

    New Reservoir with a capacity of 31 million cubic meters
    Rock-fill dam with vertical earth core with a hight of 113 meters
    Adduction tunnel 25,5 km long with a diameter of 4,20 meters
    Additional annual production of 216 GWh
    Capacity 130 MW as turbine and 140 MW as pump

    During the excursion you will see all the works for the dam construction from winning the material in situ, the material treatment up to placement of the material. The tour will also take you underground to the concrete works in the two machine chambers and give you an insight to the installations of the whole site.

    Time table:


    • 07:30 a.m. Departure Salzburg Congress
    • 10:30 a.m. Arrival Kühtai
    • 10:45 a.m. Project presentation
    • 11:30 a.m. Lunch in the canteen
    • 12:30 p.m. Site visit
    • 03:00 p.m. Departure from the site
    • 06:00 p.m. Arrival Salzburg Congress

    Group size:  max. 32persons (if the minimum number is not reached, we reserve the right to cancel the tour)

    Price: € 120.- (discount for members, pensioners, PhD and students)

    Included services: Bus / guided site visit / lunch

    For more Information see here

    Field Trip B

    Semmering base tunnel

    Construction of the Semmering base tunnel was started in 2012. The tunnel has a length of 27,3 kilometers and consists of two running tunnels. Excavation works are nearly finished and the concrete works for the inner lining where started in 2020. The base tunnel is part of the new 470 kilometer long railway line between Vienna and Villach which should be completed by the end of 2030.

    The tour begins with the presentation of the complete project and continues with a visit to the building lot SBT2.1 - tunnel Fröschnitzgraben.  You will see the impressive installations for the underground works which are supplied over two 400 meter deep shafts. After entering the tunnel system by one of the shafts you will be shown the running works on the two single line tunnels. The participants will be supplied with the necessary clothing and split up into groups for the visit.

    Time table:



    • 07:00 a.m. Departure Salzburg Congress
    • 10:30 a.m. Arrival at the main construction site in Fröschnitzgraben, Steinhaus am Semmering
    • 11:00 a. m. Project presentation
    • 11:45 a.m.  Snack in the site office (invited by ÖBB)
    • 12:00 noon Site visit 
    • 03:00 p.m. Departure from the site
    • 06:30 p.m. Arrival Salzburg Congress

    Group size: max. 32 persons (if the minimum number is not reached, we reserve the right to cancel the tour)

    Price: € 120,-  (discount for members, pensioners, PhD and students)

    Included services: Bus / guided site visit / snack

    For more Information see

    Field Trip C

    Brenner Base Tunnel

    The Brenner base Tunnel (BBT) is a low gradient tunnel with a length of 55 km running between Innsbruck (Austria) and Fortezza (Italy) and therefore a cross border tunnel of European importance. The tunnel has two single bores by a diameter of 8.1 meters and a distance between the two running tunnels between 40 and 70 meters. Every 333 meters the two tunnels are connected by a cross passage. As a speciality this base tunnel has an exploratory tunnel over the full length.

    The site visit will beginn in the modern information center called „Tunnelwelten“ in Steinach am Brenner with a project presentation. After a short lunch break you tour will take you underground to see the emergency station St. Jodock and an assembly cavern for one of the TBM’s as well as the crossover tunnel. At the end you will be shown the large landfill
    area Padastertal.

    Time table:


    • 07:30 a.m. Departure Salzburg Congress
    • 10:00 a.m. Arrival at the information center
      BBT - Tunnelwelten in Steinach am Brenner
    • 10:30 a.m. Project presentation
    • 11:30 a.m. Snackin the information center
    • 12:15 p.m. Site visit
    • 03:00 p.m. Departure from the site
    • 05:30 p.m. Arrival Salzburg Congress


    Group size: max. 48 persons (if the minimum number is not reached, we reserve the right to cancel the tour)

    Price: € 120,-  (discount for members, pensioners, PhD and students)

    Included services: Bus / guided site visit / snack

    For more Information see here

    Field Trip D


    With the construction of the pump storage power plant Tauernmoos the ÖBB (Austrian federal Railway company) are adding a very important asset to their existing power plant at Tauernmoos for the production of electricity for the rail infrastructure.

    The two existing reservoirs Tauernmoossee and Weißsee with a difference in altitude of 220 m will be connected by an underground pressure shaft. The power plant will finally have a pump turbine capacity of 170 megawatts and an annual production of 460 GWh.

    The excursion will start with a visit to the existing power plants Uttendorf 1 & 2. After a half hour drive to the site office at Enzingerboden you will be offered a small snack and fitted with the needed tunnel gear to explore the underground works at an altitude of up to 2300 m. The highlight will be a visit to the large machine chamber, the pressure shaft and the inlet trumpet.

    Finally you will get the chance to enter the control tunnel underneath the existing concrete arch gravity dam Tauernmoos.

    Time table:


    • 08:00 a.m. Departure Salzburg Congress
    • 09:45 a.m. Arrival Uttendorf
    • 10:15 a.m. Project presentation
    • 11:00 a.m. Drive to the site office Enzingerboden
    • 11:30 a.m. Snack in the site office
    • 12:00 noon Site visit
    • 03:00 p.m. Tour of the existing arch gravity dam Tauernmoos
    • 04:00 p.m. Departure from the site
    • 06:00 p.m. Arrival Salzburg Congress

    Group size: max. 50 persons (if the minimum number is not reached, we reserve the right to cancel the tour)

    Price: € 120,-  (discount for members, pensioners, PhD and students)

    Included services: Bus / guided site visit / snack

    For more Information see here

    Field Trip E

    Limberg III

    VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH (VHP) started construction on the Limberg III power plant in 2021. The project is a pumped storage power plant with a total capacity of 480 megawatts. Like Limberg II, which was put into operation in 2011, it will be constructed entirely underground between the two existing reservoirs of the Mooserboden (final level 2,036 m) and Wasserfallboden (final level 1,672 m).

    These two reservoirs with a total capacity of 160 million m³ will be used as upper and lower basins for the pump turbine operation to generate electricity. This is an addition to the existing power plants Limgerg I and Limberg II which are already in operation

    The new headracetunnel starts at the intake of the Mooserboden reservoir and reaches the pressure shaft after 3.7 km. After a length of 600 m the pressure shaft leads via two distribution pipes into the underground power station, which is located underneath the Limberg dam. The power station consists of a machine chamber with two 240 MW hydroelectric sets and a transformation chamber, connected via two generator dissipation tunnels. After the turbines the water is returned  to the Wasserfallboden reservoir via a 613 m long tailrace tunnel.

    In the powerhouse cavern, two hydroelectric sets generate electricity, each consisting of a reversible Francis pump turbine and a generator. The energy is dissipated with a nominal voltage of 380 kV from the cavern system by means of a gas insulated line and is connected to the existing energy dissipators. 

    After a short project presentation you will visit the building site at an altitude of over 2000m.  The existing reservoirs at Moorboden and Wasserfallboden as well as the landfill site of Drossen will be on your tour before going underground to see all the different excavation sites. At the time of your visit you will mainly see the ongoing concrete works. At the end of your visit you will be invited to a meal in the site canteen before leaving for Salzburg.

    Time table:


    • 08:00 a.m. Departure Salzburg Congress
    • 09:30 a.m. Arrival at the main construction camp Limberg III
    • 09:45 a.m. Project presentation and site visit
    • 02:00 p.m. Lunch break (canteen)
    • 03:00 p.m. Departure construction site
    • 04:30 p.m. Arrival Salzburg Congress

    Group size: max. 25 persons (if the minimum number is not reached, we reserve the right to cancel the tour)

    Price: € 120,-  (discount for members, pensioners, PhD and students)

    Included services: Bus / guided site visit / lunch

    For more Information see here

    Field Trip F

    Salzburger Stadtberge

    Formation of the Salzburg basin - the basin filling a geotechnical challenge for the urban development of Salzburg

    Geotechnical solutions of Leopold Müller for the rehabilitation of the fortress walls of Hohensalzburg 

    Development of Salzburg's water supply - the storage caverns in Mönchsberg and Kapuzinerberg

    Technical properties and use of Salzburg's natural stones - conglomerate and marbles

    The formation of the city mountains and their use in the course of the historical development of the city

    Historical landslides - management of natural hazards in the city area

    The ISAM - one of the most important tectonic fault line systems of the Alps cuts through the city area

    Hike from Nonntal via Nonnberg, Festungsberg and Mönchsberg to Mülln


    Time table: 


    • Meeting point: 09:00 a.m. at the Schauspielhaus Salzburg

    • End point: Mülln (Augustiner Bräu)

    Group size: max. 25 persons (if the minimum number is not reached, we reserve the right to cancel the tour)

    Duration: arround 4 hours

    Price: €30.-

    Included services: gided site visit

    RockBowl Challenge

    The RockBowl Challenge is a question-and-answer game in which participants must answer questions about rock mechanics in student teams.

    Students (MSc and PhD) from any university can participate. 

    Team registration is expected to open in January.

    More information about the RockBowl Challenge will be coming soon.

    Event overview

    For a better overview, please select the day view.

    For detailed program information, please go to the program overview below.


    Here you will find an overview of the technical program with all lectures and posters incl. lecture times and room layout.

    Accepted contributions

    Session T01: Challenging rock engineering projects

    Chairpersons: Nedim RADONCIC (1), Karoline PRALL (2)

    1: iC consulenten ZT GmbH, Vienna, Austria

    2: Amberg Engineering AG, Innsbruck, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Advancements in drillability prediction for conventional hard rock drill and blast tunnelling – implementing automation into the equation

    Tanja SATTLER (1,2), Kurosch THURO (2)

    1: Baugeologisches Büro Bauer GmbH, Germany

    2: Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany


    Challenges faced and mitigation measures adopted in construction of head race tunnel of Kameng hydro electric project (600 MW), Arunachal Pradesh, India

    Rajanish RANJAN, Girish KALITA

    all: NEEPCO, India


    Design and Construction of the Montreal Largest Transit System

    Verya NASRI

    AECOM, New York, United States of America


    Hard Rock Caverns with low overburden in urban environment – a case study

    Manuel BODE (1), Magdalena SALLINGER (1), Paolo ZANANDREA (2), Thomas MARCHER (1)

    1: SKAVA Consulting ZT GmbH, Austria

    2: Ingenieurgemeinschaft GMK, Italy


    The Blue Line Jerusalem LRT Underground Section – Public Transport in a challenging Project environment


    all: Geoconsult ZT GmbH, Puch bei Hallein, Austria


    Semmering Base Tunnel (SBT) - current state of the project

    Gerhard GOBIET, Gernot NIPITSCH, Oliver Kai WAGNER

    all: ÖBB Infrastruktur AG, Austria


    Performance of different diameter Double Shield TBMs: experiences from the excavation of exploratory tunnel and main tubes of the Italian lot Mules 2-3 – Brenner Base Tunnel

    Harald EGGER (1), Marco Giuseppe FODERÀ (1), Gianluca LIUZZI (1), Antonio SPAZIANI (1), Antonio VOZA (1), Daniela BOLDINI (2)

    1: Galleria di Base del Brennero – Brenner Basistunnel BBT-SE

    2: Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


    Tunnelling in Slovenian Dinaric karst: challenges and solutions

    Vojkan JOVIČIĆ (1), Boštjan VOLK (2), Gregor VESEL (2), Jože RATEJ (2), Markus SCHMIDT (3)

    1: Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

    2: IRGO, Slovenia

    3: Boratec, Germany


    PU grouting and sealing measures on the Kramer Tunnel

    Johannes JESSEN (1), Jochen FILLIBECK (1), Florian ZAHLER (2), Raphael ZUBER (2)

    1: Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

    2: Weilheim State Building Authority, Weilheim, Germany


    Stability issues associated with the construction of underground caverns of Super Dordi Hydropower Project, Nepal

    Sailesh ADHIKARI (1,2), Krishna Kanta PANTHI (1), Chhatra Bahadur BASNET (2)

    1: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

    2: Pashchimanchal Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal


    SEMMERING BASE TUNNEL – Geotechnical challenges at crossing a fault system in combination with high water pressure

    Mario HEIN (1), Zafer EKICI (2), Christine PEINTNER (2), Robert HOLZER (1), Thomas HOFMANN (3)

    1: Geoconsult Wien ZT GmbH, Austria

    2: IGT Geotechnik und Tunnelbau, Austria

    3: ÖBB Infrastruktur AG, PL Semmering Basistunnel, Austria


    50 km of Tunnels in Inner-City Areas – Rock Mechanics and Tunneling Issues in Connection with the large-scale Railway Project Stuttgart 21 – A Success Story


    all: WBI GmbH, Germany


    Brenner Base Tunnel: three DS-TBMs excavating in parallel under the Alps in Italy – Findings, difficulties and achievements from a geological-geotechnical point of view

    Stefan SKUK, Harald EGGER, Emanuele BARNABEI, Umberto Marco CONTI, Giuseppe FODERÀ, Gianluca LIUZZI, Gianluca MAGGIO, Davide RENGHI, Antonio SPAZIANI, Antonio VOZA

    all: BBT Brenner Base Tunnel, Italy


    Soil-structure interaction of preliminary deformable lining for conventional tunnel in squeezing conditions using HiDSte elements


    all: Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


    Collapse mechanism and treatment technology of large-span soft rock highway tunnel

    Shikang QIN (1), Chen XU (2,3), Xichen LI (4), Yabin HUANG (5), Qing YAO (2)

    1: College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

    2: Institute of Rock Mechanics, Ningbo university, P. R. China

    3: Ningbo Key Laboratory of Energy Geostructure, Ningbo, China

    4: Shanghai Giant Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China

    5: The 4th Construction Co. Ltd. of China 15th Corporation, P. R. China


    Pandoh Highway Tunnels in Indian Himalaya - a rock mechanical challenge in design and construction

    Andreas GORICKI (1), Vipin PARIHAR (2)

    1: 3G Gruppe Geotechnik Graz ZT GmbH, Austria

    2: Afcons Infrastructure Limited, India


    Burgenland’s first tunnel takes its tribute – geotechnical retrospective of a tunnel collapse

    Thomas PILGERSTORFER (1), Katharina HOFER (2), Yvonne MONSBERGER (3), Jürgen VORINGER (4)

    1: Geoconsult ZT GmbH, Puch/Hallein, Austria

    2: ASFiNAG Bau Management GmbH, Ansfelden, Austria

    3: ASFiNAG Bau Management GmbH, Großwilfersdorf, Austria

    4: Swietelsky Tunnelbau GmbH & CO KG, Salzburg, Austria





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    The effect of TBM tunneling on the surface and underground deformations under Montreal-Trudeau international airport (YUL) runway

    Afshin ARABZADEH, Xavier DONTIGNY, Marianne DEBEL

    all: NouvLR, Canada


    Complex tasks to evaluate the feasibility of two railway tunnel variants in terms of tunnel construction

    Joachim MICHAEL (1), Lisa WILFING (2)

    1: Prof. Quick und Kollegen - Ingenieure und Geologen GmbH, Germany

    2: Boley Geotechnik GmbH, Germany


    The Synergetic Evaluation Model of Machine-Rock in TBM-EPB Shield Construction and its computer realization

    Guangming YU (1), Penghui ZHANG (1), Qimeng SHI (1), Guanwen LIANG (1), Jun LEI (2), Xinwang YANG (1), Lijun KUANG (2), Daning WANG (3), Kovalenko1 MIKHAIL D. (4), Menshova IRINA V. (5), Kerzhaev ALEXANDER P. (6)

    1: Civil engineering College, School of Civil Eengineering Qingdao University of Technology

    2: China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp.,ltd

    3: regio iT gesellschaft für informationstechnologie mbh

    4: Institute of Applied Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences

    5: Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics

    6: Bauman Moscow State Technical University


    Difficult Ground Conditions demand for an Observational Approach for a Powerhouse Cavern in the Himalayas

    Karsten THERMANN (1), Raja Bhai SHILPAKAR (2), Bibash PARAJULI (3), Eirinaios CHRISTAKIS (1)

    1: Tractebel Engineering GmbH, Germany

    2: Tanahu Hydropower Ltd, NEA, Nepal

    3: PowerChina Chengdu Engineering Co. Ltd, China


    Theory and practice in the boulders and rock blocks blasting in urban areas applied to civil engineering activities

    Lineu Azuaga AYRES DA SILVA (1), Guilherme Gianotti de ANDRADE (1), Anna Luiza Marques AYRES DA SILVA (1), Fábio ZATZ (2)

    1: University of São Paulo, Brazil

    2: Ayres da Silva e Associados


    Design of controlled rock blasting for tunneling and tunnel portals

    Lineu Azuaga AYRES DA SILVA (1), Anna Luiza Marques AYRES DA SILVA (1), Guilherme Gianotti de ANDRADE (1), Geronimo Lima RODRIGUES (2)

    1: University of São Paulo, Brazil

    2: Telar Engenharia e Comércio S.A.


    Extensive sensitivity analysis of the Kivenlahti metro center using DEM

    Oskar Leonard VAN DER WEIJ (1), Daniele MARTINELLI (2)

    1: Kalliosuunnittelu Oy Rockplan Ltd, Finland

    2: Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy


    Design of mechanized underground extraction of deep-seated coal seam by continuous miner technology under massive strata and high in-situ stress

    Prabhat Kumar MANDAL, Arka Jyoti DAS, Ranjan KUMAR, Subhashish TEWARI, Rana BHATTACHARJEE, Awanindra Pratap SINGH

    all: CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad, India


    Study on anti-dislocation measures for railway tunnels crossing active faults in complex and dangerous mountainous areas

    Lianjin TAO, Haixiang ZHANG, Zhibo JIA, Ming SHI, Zhigang WANG, Cheng SHI

    all: Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering of China Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, People's Republic of China


    A method for investigating dynamic direct shear behavior of artificial jointed rocks using CNS direct shear box and Long Bar Drop Impact (LBDI) System

    Hanlim KIM (1), Gyeongjo MIN (1), Gyeonggyu KIM (1), Youngjun KIM (1), Jusuk YANG (2), Kyungjae YUN (2), Sangho CHO (1)

    1: Jeonbuk National University, Korea, Jeonju, South Korea

    2: Agency for Defense Development, Daejeon, South Korea


    The phenomenon of tools' wear in a marble quarry: laboratory tests to evaluate the performance of conditioning as a wear preventer

    Alfio DI GIOVANNI, Carmine TODARO, Simone SALTARIN, Marilena CARDU

    all: Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy


    Design Review of the Remediation Project of a Highly Weathered Open Pit Wall from a Closed Iron Ore Mine in Brazil

    Jose Allan MAIA (1), Teofilo COSTA (1), Anderson FONINI (2), Felipe GOBBI (2), Ricardo MENEZES (2), Gonçalo SONAGLIO (2), Fabiano MADRID (2)

    1: Vale S.A., Brazil

    2: FGS Geotecnia, Brazil


    Geotechnical Stope Index

    Raphael Perpetuo SOARES, Joao Pedro AMARAL, Gerson Rincon RIBEIRO

    all: AngloGold Ashanti, Brazil



    Simulating global deformation and assuring ongoing stability in a complex multi lode room and pillar mine

    Andrew SHIELS (1), Marc MPOYO (2), David BECK (3), Sevda DEHKHODA (4)

    1: Glencore Copper, Brisbane, Australia

    2: Kamoto Copper Company, Kolwezi, DRC

    3: Beck Engineering Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia

    4: Beck Engineering Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia

    Session T02: Comparison of international tunnelling contracts

    Chairpersons: Dietmar BACH (1), Davide MERLINI (2)

    1: IGT Geotechnik und Tunnelbau ZT GmbH, Salzburg, Austria

    2: Pini Group SA, Switzerland


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Case Histories of contractual management of geological risks

    Davide MERLINI (1), Daniele STOCKER (1), Matteo FALANESCA (1), Matthias NEUENSCHWANDER (2)

    1: Pini Group SA, Switzerland

    2: Neuenschwander Consulting Engineers, Switzerland


    Probabilistic analysis of the delivery models unit price and alliance applied at the project Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Inn with focus on the construction time

    Carl Philipp FRIEDINGER (1), Klaus MITTEREGGER (2), Philip SANDER (1,3)

    1: University der Bundeswehr Munich, Neubiberg, Germany

    2: TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG, Innsbruck, Austria

    3: RiskConsult GmbH, Innsbruck, Austria





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    There are no posters in this session.

    Session T03: Deep geothermal energy

    Chairpersons: Kurosch THURO (1), Klaus VOIT (2)

    1: Technical University of Munich, Engineering Geology, Munich, Germany

    2: University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards, Institute of Applied Geology, Vienna, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Informing deep geothermal reservoir rock mass properties from drilling data - experience from Krafla, Iceland

    Marlene VILLENEUVE (1), Ben KENNEDY (2), Anette MORTENSEN (3), Elodie SAUBIN (2), Aliaa HAMMOUD (1)

    1: Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Austria

    2: University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

    3: Landsvirkjun, Reykjavik, Iceland


    Carbon dioxide (CO2) fracturing of volcanic rocks under geothermal conditions

    Kohei TAKUMA (1), Yuto WATANABE (1), Kiyotoshi SAKAGUCHI (1), Kazumi OSATO (2), Amane TERAI (3), Noriaki WATANABE (1)

    1: Tohoku University, Japan

    2: Geothermal Energy Research and Development Co., Ltd. (GERD), Japan

    3: Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC), Tokyo, Japan


    Relationship between thermal conductivity and porosity in sedimentary soft rocks by an experimental approach

    Weiren LIN (1), Osamu TADAI (2)

    1: Kyoto University, Japan

    2: Marin Works Japan LTD, Japan


    Borehole stability in geothermal reservoirs – A combined laboratory and numerical approach

    Justin MATTHEIS, Catharina DREXL, Martin POTTEN, Georg Maximilian STOCKINGER, Kurosch THURO

    all: Chair of Engineering Geology, Technical University of Munich, Germany


    Correlations between thermal properties and elastic wave velocities of volcanic rocks

    Shuai FENG (1), Weiren LIN (1), Susumu SHIBUTANI (2), Terasu SANO (3), Nana KAMIYA (4)

    1: Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

    2: Chi-ken Sogo Consultants Co., Ltd

    3: Daigas Gas and Power Solution Co., Ltd

    4: Doshisha University


    Induced fracture analysis from microseismic catalogues: Salton Sea EGS case study


    Applied Seismology Consulting, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom



    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Hot dry rock breaking with PDC bit under various of impact loads

    Yandong YANG (1,2), Duli YAN (1), Feifei HUANG (1), Hualin LIAO (2)

    1: Yan‘an University, People's Republic of China

    2: China University of Petroleum (East China


    Study on the fracture propagation in geothermal during the hydraulic fracturing based on a coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical modeling

    Heng ZHENG (1), Ersi XU (2), Jie LI (3), Jin CHEN (3)

    1: Yangtze University, People's Republic of China

    2: Engineering technology research institute of Southwest Oilfield company

    3: Engineering technology research institute of Xinjiang Oilfield company


    Influence of stress state based on hydraulic-mechanical coupling and water loading path on fault activity

    Yujie ZHU (1,3), Chen XU (2,3), Yingguo HU (1), Xiaoli LIU (3), Enzhi WANG (3)

    1: Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Mechanics and Engineering of Ministry of Water, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan, China

    2: Changjiang Institute of Survey Planning Design and Research, Wuhan, China

    3: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


    Stress and seismicity related to cooling of geothermal wells

    Arno ZANG (1,2), Hannes HOFMANN (1,3), Gergö HUTKA (1,2), Bakul MATHUR (1), Mauro CACACE (1), Serge SHAPIRO (4), Beau WHITNEY (5), Cedric DUVAIL (5), Ramon Secanell GALLART (5), Niels GROBBE (6), Annemarie MUNTENDAM-BOS (6)

    1: German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Germany

    2: Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam, Germany

    3: Institute of Applied Sciences, Technical University of Berlin, Germany

    4: Institute of Geosciences, Free University of Berlin, Germany

    5: Fugro NL Land BV, Groningen, The Netherlands

    6: Dutch State Supervision of Mines, The Hague, The Netherlands


    Design of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O hydrothermal synthesis systems for high temperature and high pressure applications

    Chuangchuang WANG, Xueyu PANG, Guodong CHENG, Jiankun QIN, Huajie LIU

    all: China University of Petroleum (East China), People's Republic of China

    Session T04: Deep mining and tunnelling

    Chairpersons: Wulf SCHUBERT (1), Debashish CHAKRAVARTY (2), Wolfgang HOHL (3) , David BECK (4)

    1: Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

    2: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India

    3: Hohlraum-ZT, Bruck an der Mur, Austria

    4: Beck Engineering Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    An investigation of the effect of rock brittleness on rockburst prediction in seismically active mines

    Alexey SHARIPOV, Amoussou ADOKO

    School of Mining and Geosciences, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan


    A numerically based geomechanics risk assessment of the cut and fill underground mining method


    School of Mining & Geosciences, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan


    Prediction of long-term deformation and dimensioning of support in squeezing rock under high overburden

    Jörg-Martin HOHBERG

    IM/IUB Engineering AG, Switzerland


    Assessment of energy release and redistribution on excavation instabilities for underground mining

    Yang ZOU, Ping ZHANG

    all: Luleå University of Technology, Sweden


    An implicit numerical modeling approach for destress blasting design optimization for tunneling and mine development in high stress conditions


    all: RockEng Inc., Canada


    Origin of seismic repeaters in a deep mine: what do we learn from in-situ investigation coupling geology, geomechanics and geophysics?

    Emeline LHOUMAUD (1), Yann GUNZBURGER (1), Jannes KINSCHER (2), Marianne CONIN (1)

    1: GeoRessources lab, Université de Lorraine - CNRS, Mines Nancy, Campus ARTEM, BP14234, Nancy, France

    2: Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS), Campus ARTEM CS14234, Nancy, France


    18 years of monitoring pore pressure evolution during and after excavation in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone: the main insights

    Gilles ARMAND, Carlos PLUA, Minh-Ngoc VU

    all: Andra, France


    Novel method of multi-face destress blasting efficiency assessment


    all: KGHM CUPRUM Ltd. R&D Centre


    Numerically simulated Rate of Energy Release and its correlation with measured seismic potency

    Sevda DEHKHODA (1), David BECK (1), Vladislav LEVKOVITCH (2)

    1: Beck Engineering, Australia

    2: Beck Engineering, Germany


    On the short-term response of Opalinus Clay to tunnelling

    Linard CANTIENI (1), Alexandros N. NORDAS (2), Dennis MOROSOLI (2), Georg ANAGNOSTOU (2)

    1: National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra), Wettingen, Switzerland

    2: ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


    Displacement and energy demand imposed by rapid bulking and tunnel shape change

    Fedilberto J. GONZALEZ (1), Peter K. KAISER (2), Mark S. DIEDERICHS (1)

    1: Queen's University, Miller Hall, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada

    2: Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 6H5, Canada


    Unplanned ore dilution control in longhole mining using sill pillars – A case study

    Tuo CHEN, Hani S. MITRI

    all: McGill University, Canada


    Addressing rock engineering challenges faced in the development of a novel, deep mining method

    Tobias LADINIG (1,2), Patrick GAMS (1), Horst WAGNER (1), Matthias WIMMER (2), Michal GRYNIENKO (2)

    1: Chair of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria

    2: Rock Engineering Kiruna Mine, LKAB, Sweden


    In-situ stress measurement using non-destructive and relief methods

    Zulfiqar ALI (1), Murat KARAKUS (1), Giang D. NGUYEN (1), Khalid AMROUCH (1,2), Chris CHESTER (3)

    1: The University Of Adelaide,Adelaide, Australia

    2: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Benguerir, Morocco

    3: OZ Minerals, Adelaide Airport, SA 5950, Australia


    Application of a new brittleness index to estimate the proneness to brittle failure of rock around a deep tunnel


    all: Politecnico di Torino, Italy


    The influence of brittle failure and its impact on face stability in high-stress tunnelling conditions

    Joel CHIWARA (1), Ioannis VAZAIOS (2), Chrysothemis PARASKEVOPOULOU (1)

    1: University of Leeds, United Kingdom

    2: Ove Arup & Partners Ltd, London, United Kingdom


    Analysis of the behaviour of the Barrier Pillars and Gateroads of the deep Longwall Panel of India using the 3D Finite Element Modelling approach

    Rajashekar Yadav AVULA, Sreenivasa Rao ISLAVATH

    all: IIT KHARAGPUR, India


    The Brown-Hoek stress-depth relation revisited

    Tobias BACKERS, Simon KATTENBECK, Mandy DUDA

    all: Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany


    Comparison of regression and classification Machine Learning algorithms for determining excavation damage zones depths

    Yousef GOLABCHI, Matthew A. PERRAS

    all: York University, Canada


    Numerical modelling of induced seismicity considering metre-scale stress heterogeneity in a fault damage zone

    Atsushi SAINOKI

    Kumamoto University, Japan


    Source mechanisms of mining-induced seismicity at Kloof Gold Mine, South Africa – moment tensor analysis of ML≥1.5 events

    Richard MASETHE (1), Raymond DURRHEIM (2), Musa MANZI (2)

    1: Sibanyestillwaters, South Africa

    2: University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa


    Modulated thermal wave imaging approach to detect subsurface microcracks and their coalescence in deep mines for rock burst (strain burst) prediction

    Mrityunjay JAISWAL (1), Resmi SEBASTIAN (1), Ravibabu MULAVEESALA (2)

    1: Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Rupnagar, Punjab, India, Pin

    2: Centre for Sensors, iNstrumentation and cyber-physical Systems Engineering (SeNSE), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi



    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Dynamic response of the rock mass where the orebody dip changes

    Sanjay SINGH

    Harmony Gold, South Africa


    Coupled Geomechanical CFD Modelling of Goaf under Goaf Gas Drainage: Impact of Goaf Characteristics

    Yuehan WANG, Guangyao SI, Joung OH

    all: School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia


    Stability analysis of surrounding rock mass in underground powerhouse based on octree and catastrophe theory

    Yuepeng SUN (1), Biao LI (2), Nuwen XU (1), Qi WANG (3), Bei JIANG (3)

    1: Sichuan University, Sichuan, China

    2: Southwest Petroleum University, Sichuan, China

    3: China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing), Beijing, China


    Application of hydraulic fracturing for destressing mining-induced stresses in underground coal mines

    Hongpu KANG, Yanjun FENG, Fuqiang GAO

    all: China Coal Research Institute, People's Republic of China


    Experimental study of coal bursts caused by decrease of local mine stiffness

    Fuqiang GAO, Guiyang YUAN, Xiangyuan PENG

    all: China Coal Research Institute, People's Republic of China


    Evaluation of rock stresses measured in a long water tunnel at deep depth

    Tatsuya YOKOYAMA (1), Akira MITO (2)

    1: Fukada Geological Institute, Tokyo, Japan

    2: Shimizu corporation, Tokyo, Japan


    Numerical modelling and tunneling experience of the Emergency Stop in Trens, Lots Mules 2-3 (Italy) - Brenner Base Tunnel

    Davide MERLINI (1), Matteo FALANESCA (1), Gianluca BELLA (1), Antonio SPAZIANI (2), Antonio VOZA (2)

    1: Pini Group SA, Switzerland

    2: BBT-SE, Bolzano, Italy


    Are trigger levels useful for tunnels at high rock pressure?

    Max JOHN

    ZT John, Austria


    In situ stress evaluation according to the Drillhole detonation method, applied to the geometric design underground excavations

    Miguel Angel BERROCAL



    Modeling uncertainty of activity duration in probabilistic time estimation of tunneling projects

    Mohammad MOHAMMADI, Johan SPROSS

    all: Division of Soil and Rock Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology


    Coupled thermal and unloading-induced permeability of rock fractures

    Tao LIN (1), Zhihong ZHAO (1), Wen MENG (2), Xingguang ZHAO (3)

    1: Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    2: Key Laboratory of Neotectonic Movement and Geohazard, Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China

    3: CNNC Key Laboratory on Geological Disposal of High-level Radioactive Waste, Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing, China


    The implementation of ‘automatic’ polygons for relevant data selection in short-term seismic analysis

    Ricardo Isidro FERREIRA, Pinkie NDABA, Richard MASETHE

    all: Sibanye-Stillwater, South Africa


    Rationale for the quick withdrawal of the underground workforce following (large) dynamic ground motions – how extensive should the exclusion zone be?

    Ricardo Isidro FERREIRA, Richard MASETHE, Pinkie NDABA

    all: Sibanye-Stillwater, South Africa


    A modification of the nearest neighborhood triggering mechanism in longwall mining: do seismic events only triggered by its closest neighbors?

    Xu LI, Guangyao SI, Joung OH, Ismet CANBULAT

    all: UNSW, Australia


    Applicability of stress release method in soft rock tunnel with high geostress

    Chen XU (1,2), Lingxiao ZHENG (1), Gecheng ZHANG (1), Qing YAO (1), Shikang QIN (3)

    1: Institute of Rock Mechanics, Ningbo university, P. R. China

    2: Ningbo Key Laboratory of Energy Geostructure, Ningbo, China

    3: College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China


    A conceptual study on the prediction of destress blasting efficiency using geostatistical approaches

    Tawanda ZVARIVADZA

    Luleå University of Technology, Sweden


    Mechanical and fracturing characteristics of defected cement mortar samples under biaxial confinements

    Pengxuan JI (1), Qianbing ZHANG (1), Gisela VIEGAS (2)

    1: Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

    2: Newcrest Mining Limited, Melbourne, Australia


    Development of failure criterion for extensile fracturing of Kannur limestone under triaxial stresses

    Arpan NANDY, K Seshagiri RAO, Tanusree CHAKRABORTY

    all: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India


    Reliability of Predicting damage in hard rock mass around deep tunnels in terms of its convergence

    Rodolfo Enrique CABEZAS (1), Adeline DELONCA (2)

    1: SRK Consulting, Chile

    2: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile

    Session T05: Digitalization & Automatisation

    Chairpersons: Thomas MARCHER (1), Helmut WANNENMACHER (2)

    1: Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

    2: Implenia Österreich GmbH, Geotechnik und Tunnelbau, Salzburg, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Project management in connection with a digital construction site with BIM in tunneling

    David HACKER (1), Martin ZEINDL (2)

    1: Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Gebauer Ingenieur GmbH, Germany

    2: Landesbaudirektion Bayern


    Utilizing sensor technology in drilling optimization


    all: Sandvik Mining & Rock Solutions, Finland


    Integration of Point Cloud Data for Numerical Simulations Using NURBS Surfaces

    Andreas-Nizar GRANITZER (1), Franz TSCHUCHNIGG (1), Wolfgang SUMMERER (2)

    1: Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

    2: ILF Consulting Engineers Austria GmbH, Rum b. Innsbruck, Austria


    Development and implementation of a sensor-supported rock bolt system for underground monitoring

    Wolfgang DOLSAK (1), Mislav MIKULEC (2)

    1: DSI Underground Austria GmbH, Austria

    2: RHI Magnesita GmbH, Austria


    Application of hybrid machine learning based quality control in daily site management

    Alexander ZÖHRER (1), Vincent WINTER (1), Anika TERBUCH (2), Paul O'LEARY (2), Negin KHALILI-MOTLAGH-KASMAEI (2)

    1: Keller Grundbau GesmbH, Austria

    2: University of Leoben, Austria


    Automatic Fracture Extraction in Laboratory Rock Sample using Deep Learning method

    Jian LIU (1), Aohui OUYANG (1,3), Omar ALDAJANI (2), Zili LI (1,2), Herbert EINSTEIN (2)

    1: University College Cork, Ireland

    2: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    3: The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)


    MWD data analysis for optimization of tunnel excavation

    Alla SAPRONOVA (1), Kazuo SAKAI (2), Shuntaro MIYANAGA (2), Paul Johannes UNTERLAS (1), Abdallah Ahmed Fouad Elsayed SOLIMAN (1), Thomas MARCHER (1)

    1: Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling ,University of Technology Graz, Austria

    2: Geotechnical Research Section, Infrastructure Technology Research Department, Taisei Advance Center of Technology, Yokohama, Japan


    Comparison between manual and automated determination of discontinuity orientations in different rock mass types

    Julia C. GODLEWSKA, Marc S. OGAN, Julia GALLAS, Sarah SCHUMSKI, Mandy DUDA, Tobias BACKERS

    all: Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany


    Concept for Tunnel Information Modelling based work-preview and documentation during construction at Tunnel Angath

    Hans EXENBERGER (1), Ines MASSIMO-KAISER (1), Hannah SALZGEBER (1), Peter KOMPOLSCHEK (2), Frédéric HEIL (3), Matthias FLORA (1)

    1: AB für Baumanagement, Baubetrieb und Tunnelbau (iBT), Universität Innsbruck, Austria

    2: DI Arch. Peter Kompolschek, Austria

    3: ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, Austria


    The creative process for the development of an autonomous bolting arm for underground mines

    Ana Raquel Sena LEITE, Hatem MRAD

    all: Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada


    Generation of a Discrete Fracture Network from digital discontinuity data captured using the 3D Axis Mapping method

    Josephine MORGENROTH (1), Jim HAZZARD (2), Shelby YEE (1), Davide ELMO (3)

    1: RockMass Technologies, Toronto, Canada

    2: Itasca Consulting Group, Inc., Minneapolis, USA

    3: The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


    Rock evaluation of NATM tunnel face using deep learning

    Masanari NAKATA (1), Karnallisa Desmy HALIM (1), Yeboon YUN (1), Harushige KUSUMI (1), Akinobu NISHIO (2)

    1: Kansai University, Osaka, Japan

    2: Kinki Regional Development Bureau, Osaka, Japan





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Quantitative Risk Assessment of Rock Tunnel Faces Using Stacked Deep Learning and Multi-Source Data

    Mingliang ZHOU (1), Le ZHANG (2), Jiayao CHEN (3), Minglun TAN (2), Hongwei HUANG (1)

    1: Tongji University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China

    2: Qingdao Guoxin Jiaozhou Bay Second Submarine Tunnel Co., Ltd., Qingdao, China

    3: College of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China


    An example of calibrating physical parameters in a constitutive model based on machine learning framework

    Yupeng CAO (1), Weiren LIN (1), Feng ZHANG (2)

    1: Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan

    2: Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan


    Influence of SfM reconstruction techniques on the extraction of rock slope discontinuities

    Adrián J. RIQUELME (1), José Luis PASTOR (1), Miguel CANO (1), Roberto TOMÁS (1), Antonio ABELLÁN (2)

    1: University of Alicante, Spain

    2: Centre de recherche sur l’environnement alpin (CREALP)


    Identification of the optimal time series machine learning algorithm for the prediction of the ground subsidence with TBM machine data

    Myung-Kyu SONG (1), Hyun-Koo LEE (1,2), Jae-Kyum LEE (1), Sean Seungwon LEE (1)

    1: Hanyang University, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

    2: AICONT, Republich of Korea (South Korea)


    Introducing a new cloud computation paradigm for rock engineering problems based on XaaS Model and the proposed A4 Framework


    Individual private geomechanical advisor, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran


    Deep learning-aided prediction of peak shear strength of rock fractures

    Jinfan CHEN (1), Zhihong ZHAO (1), Xingguang ZHAO (2)

    1: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    2: Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing, China


    Deep Learning based Automatic Fracture Identification in CT Images of Rock

    Chuyen Ngoc PHAM (1,2), Li ZHUANG (1,2), Sun YEOM (1), Hyu-Soung SHIN (1,2)

    1: Dept. of Geo-Space Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

    2: Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Republic of Korea (South Korea)


    Global Unstructured Digital Image Correlation for determining strains around circular opening

    Tushar BHANDARI, Debasis DEB, Chamanth Sai Reddy VEMULAPATI

    all: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India


    Joint surface characterization using manual and multi-sensor core logging systems

    Engin USTA, Kamran ESMAEILI

    all: Mine Modeling and Analytics Lab, Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada


    Intelligent risk management for TBM hard rock tunnelling based on Knowledge Graph

    Haojun PANG, Fei JIA, Yingcai HOU, Feipeng HUANG, Yadong XUE

    all: Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China


    Towards the development of a harmonized inventory database for decision support: automatized information extraction

    Alla SAPRONOVA, Paul Johannes UNTERLASS, Vaibhav SHRINGI, Thomas MARCHER

    all: Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz University of Technology, Austria


    Automated and digitalized web tool for open stope design

    Yerkezhan MADENOVA (1,2), Fidelis SUORINENI (1), Shuai XU (3)

    1: Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan

    2: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (Current)

    3: Northeastern University, Shenyang, P R China


    A Machine Learning-based Microseismic Event Location and Wave Velocity Prediction

    Zhansaya MAKSUT, Rakhat MEIRAMOV, Adnan YAZICI, Fidelis SUORINENI

    all: Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan


    Comparison of an underground rock face 3D modeling performance: SfM-MVS with optimum photographing settings and LiDAR technology

    Junsu LEEM (1), Jineon KIM (1), Jiwon CHOI (1), Jae-Joon SONG (1,2)

    1: Seoul National Unviersity, Seoul, Korea

    2: Research Institute of Energy and Resources


    A machine learning model to estimate in-situ rock strength from borehole geophysical logs

    Zizhuo XIANG, Zexin YU, Joung OH, Guangyao SI, Ismet CANBULAT

    all: University of New South Wales, Australia


    Comparative Analysis of CAI Estimation using Symbolic Regression and Machine Learning Approaches

    Tae Young KO, Ju-Pyo HONG

    all: Department of Energy and Resources Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea


    Virtual learning environments for rock engineering education and training - a guideline for development, examples, and lessons learned

    Mateusz JANISZEWSKI, Lauri UOTINEN, Masoud TORKAN, Mikael RINNE

    all: Aalto University, Finland


    Study on comparing current software for parametric modelling in Tunnel Information Modelling

    Hannah SALZGEBER, Larissa SCHNEIDERBAUER, Kathrin GLAB, Matthias FLORA

    all: University of Innsbruck, iBT, Austria


    From prognosis Ground Model to Tender Model and Tunnel Construction Framework Plan with Tunnel Information Modelling

    Ines MASSIMO-KAISER (1), Hans EXENBERGER (1), Hannah SALZGEBER (1), Hannah WERKGARNER (1), Richard LOIDL (2), Matthias FLORA (1)

    1: Universität Innsbruck, Austria

    2: ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH


    Feature Sampling and Balancing for Detecting Rock Bolts from the LiDAR Point Clouds

    Sarp SAYDAM (2,1), Chengpei XU (1), Binghao LI (1), Birgul TOPAL (1), Serkan SAYDAM (1)

    1: MERE, Faculty of Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia

    2: DYWIDAG-Systems International Pty Limited, Australia


    Digitalization and creep modelling for trinocular-cavern based metro station

    Amanda HUANG (1), Frank LI (1), Tong Joo SIA (1), Qianbing ZHANG (2)

    1: SMEC, Australia

    2: Monash University, Australia


    Using webcam to visually observe the mechanical behaviors of Shirahama sandstone under triaxial compression

    Daisuke ASAHINA (1), Takato TAKEMURA (2), Takahisa ENDO (2), Yu TSUKURIMICHI (2), Yu AOJI (2)

    1: Geological Survey of JAPAN, AIST, Japan

    2: Geomechanics Lab., Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Nihon University


    The autonomous system cycle approach in off-road industrial applications – a holistic view

    Naval SINGH (1), Oscar LUNDHEDE (2)

    1: ORCX AB, FORCIT Explosives, Gothenburg, Sweden

    2: L-Consulting, B&R Sverige, Orebro, Sweden

    Session T06: Geological investigation and characterization

    Chairpersons: Scott KIEFFER (1), Michael F. GEORGE (2)

    1: Institute of Applied Geosciences, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

    2: BGC Engineering, Golden, Colorado, United States of America


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Block in Point Cloud Data (BLOCKinPCD): A digital characterization system for rock outcrops

    Scott KIEFFER, Qian LIU

    all: Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria


    Performance of the empirical method with rock mass classification systems to derive optimal rock support design in poor rock mass conditions

    Jorge TERRON-ALMENARA, Charlie C. LI

    all: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway


    The impact of rock strength on the measurement of shear modulus from cavity expansion testing

    Yasmin Nicole BYRNE, Robert WHITTLE

    all: Cambridge Insitu, United Kingdom


    Development of T-DrillPacker measurement system for groundwater inflow rate and pressure in advanced boring


    all: Taisei Corporation, Japan


    Roughness measure of a large in situ discontinuity surface by non-contact survey

    Maria Teresa CARRIERO (1), Anna Maria FERRERO (2), Maria Rita MIGLIAZZA (1), Battista TABONI (2), Gessica UMILI (2)

    1: Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering, Polytechnic of Turin, Turin, Italy

    2: Department of Earth Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy


    Holographic mixed reality: an enhanced technology for visualizing and evaluating complex 3D geologic data

    Markus KASPAR, D. Scott KIEFFER, Qian LIU

    all: Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria


    Roman gold exploitation at the archeological site of Las Médulas (NW-Spain) by means of Ruina Montium: a rock and fluid mechanics perspective

    Leandro R. ALEJANO (1), Elena MARTÍN (1), Ignacio PÉREZ-REY (1), Brais X. CURRÁS-REFOJOS (2), Fco. Javier SÁNCHEZ-PALENCIA (2)

    1: University of Vigo, Spain

    2: CSIC-CCHS - Instituto de Historia, Madrid, Spain


    Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Mode I Rock Fracturing

    Arthur D. DE ALWIS (1), Mehdi SERATI (1), Derek MARTIN (2), Arcady DYSKIN (3), Elena PASTERNAK (3), David J. WILLIAMS (1)

    1: The University of Queensland, Australia

    2: The University of Alberta, Canada

    3: The University of Western Australia, Australia


    Structural and Geotechnical Investigations for the Remediation of Jetties and Seawalls on Heligoland

    Holger JUD (1), Dieter TRONICH (1), Gerd SIEBENBORN (2)

    1: Smoltczyk & Partner, Germany

    2: Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsamt Elbe-Nordsee, Germany


    A study on point cloud interpretation of fracture intensity and its spatial variability

    Yong-Zhi HUANG, Tai-Tien WANG, Fu-Shu JENG

    all: Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


    Physics-informed machine learning of flow and transport problems

    Hongkyu YOON, Jennifer HARDING

    all: Sandia National Laboratories, United States of America


    Hydrogeology and grouting - a field experiment in shallow, crystalline rock


    Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


    Virtual reality based uncertainty assessment of rock mass characterization of tunnel faces

    Erlend SKRETTING, Georg H. ERHARTER, Jessica Ka Yi CHIU

    all: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Norway


    Visualization of Fracture Intersections from 3D X-ray Imaging

    Madelyn SUMNER, Laura PYRAK-NOLTE

    all: Purdue University, United States of America


    Investigation of the effect of matrix on tracer transport processes in subsurface fractured reservoirs

    Yuanyuan WEI, Hui WU

    all: Peking University, People's Republic of China


    Rapid seismic data acquisition in a TBM road tunnel excavation with segmental lining

    Thomas DICKMANN (1), Jozsef HECHT-MÉNDEZ (1), Dirk KRUEGER (1), Christoph SINKOVEC (2), Christian SCHÖNLECHNER (2)

    1: Amberg Technologies AG, Switzerland

    2: Jäger Bau GmbH, Bludenz, Austria


    Interpreting variability of uniaxial compressive strength with insights from vein microstructures

    Emelie GAGNON, Jennifer J. DAY

    all: Queen's University, Canada


    Smart detection of limestone cavities in dense urban cities

    Chao ZHANG, Wei WU

    all: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Structural mechanisms contributing to large-scale hangingwall instabilities on the UG2 reef horizon

    Aletta Gertruida HARTZENBERG (1), Daniel Francois MALAN (2)

    1: SRK Consulting, Canada

    2: University of Pretoria, South Africa


    A review of the application of empirical methodologies for preliminary analysis of natural caves


    all: Universidad Politecnica De Madrid, Spain


    A 2023 perspective on Rock Mass Classification Systems

    Georg H. ERHARTER (1,2), Tom F. HANSEN (1), Shengwen QI (3), Neil BAR (4), Thomas MARCHER (2)

    1: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, Norway

    2: Graz University of Technology, Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz, Austria

    3: Key Laboratory of Shale Gas and Geoengineering, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Aademy of Sciences, Beijing, China

    4: Gecko Geotechnics, Cairns, Australia


    Multi-scale analysis of a porous carbonate rock under triaxial conditions

    Catherine DORÉ-OSSIPYAN (1,2), Jean SULEM (1), Michel BORNERT (1), Alexandre DIMANOV (2), Patrick AIMEDIEU (1), Vincent DE GREEF (2), Andrew KING (3)

    1: Laboratoire Navier, Ecole de Ponts Paristech, France

    2: Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France

    3: Psiche beamline, Synchrotron Soleil, Saint Aubin, France


    Relations between elastic waves speeds and densities

    J.C. GRESS (1), M. FERREIRA (1), R.M. FAURE (2)

    1: Hydrogéotechnique, Fontaines, France

    2: Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat, Vaulx en Velin, France


    Key Parameters and Distribution in Rock Mechanics for HLW Site Selection in Korea

    Dae-Sung CHEON (1), Seungbeom CHOI (2), Won-Kyong SONG (1)

    1: Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

    2: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute,  Republic of Korea (South Korea)


    One-dimensional consolidation properties of sedimentary soft rocks from the Boso Peninsula, central Japan using a constant strain-rate loading system

    Nana KAMIYA, Weiren LIN

    all: Kyoto University, Japan


    Assessing Intact Rock Properties for the Salang Highway Tunnel Upgrade Route Selection Study

    Edward Alan BUTTON

    ARUP Pft. Ltd., Australia


    The use of dynamic moduli logging in large-scale geotechnical modelling

    Irmina PÖSCHL (1), Walter FREI (2)

    1: iC consulenten ZT GmbH, Austria

    2: GeoExpert AG, Switzerland


    Simple and multiple regression study of physical-mechanical properties of ignimbrites

    Jose Antonio VALIDO GARCÍA (1), Luis Enrique HERNÁNDEZ GUTIÉRREZ (2,3), José Miguel CÁCERES ALVARADO (1), Carlos Javier PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ (4)

    1: Instituto Universitario de Materiales y Nanotecnología. Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain

    2: Consejería de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Vivienda. Gobierno de Canarias, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

    3: Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias” (INVOLCAN), Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

    4: Departamento de Matemáticas, Estadística e Investigación Operativa, Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain


    Application of the point counting technique for estimating the VBP of geotechnically complex formations (bimrocks/bimsoils)

    Maria Lia NAPOLI (1), Lorenzo MILAN (1), Monica BARBERO (1), Edmund MEDLEY (2)

    1: Politecnico di Torino, Italy

    2: Terraphase Engineering, Oakland, CA, U.S.A


    Rock mass characterization during the construction of a twin-tube motorway tunnel in Hungary

    Gabor SOMODI (1), János BORSODY (2), Ágnes KRUPA (3), Krisztián PETRIK (1), Balázs VÁSÁRHELYI (1)

    1: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

    2: Hidro-Duna Ltd.

    3: Mecsekérc Plc.


    The use of 3D digital implicit geological models on slope stability evaluation

    Daniel PRADO AZEVEDO (1), Eduardo Antonio GOMES MARQUES (2)

    1: Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil

    2: Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil


    Shear strength characterization of a natural rock joint developed in Peridotite deposits

    Abhiram Kumar VERMA, Binay Kumar SAW

    all: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India


    Characteristics of hydro-magnesite of Salda Lake (Türkiye) and their implications on rocks of Jezerro Crater in Mars

    Halil KUMSAR (1), Ömer AYDAN (2), Hitoshi MATSUBARA (2), Kouki MORI (2)

    1: Pamukkale University, Turkey

    2: University of the Ryukyus, Japan


    Mitigating the rock fall and rockburst risk in South African gold and platinum mines through advanced knowledge of the ore body

    Michelle PIENAAR (1), Raymond DURRHEIM (2), Musa MANZI (2), Glen NWAILA (2), Hennie GROBLER (3), Thabang KGARUME (4), Dean PRETORIUS (4), Michael VAN SCHOOR (4), Abrie OBERHOLSTER (5)

    1: Mandela Mining Precinct, South Africa

    2: University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

    3: University of Johannesburg, South Africa

    4: CSIR, South Africa

    5: University of Pretoria, South Africa


    Using borehole breakout data to constrain the in situ stress tensor

    Junxiong YANG, Sebastian D. GOODFELLOW, John P. HARRISON

    all: University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada


    Mapping of faults in underground mine by Sub Surface Profiling technology

    Jayeeta DEY (1), Sujit ROY (1), Abdul MATIN (2)

    1: SRK Mining Services (India) Private Limited, Kolkata, India

    2: University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India


    Understanding the geological and geotechnical drill core logging process – key to success

    Johannes HORNER (1), Jennifer Andrea BETANCOURT (2)

    1: recon-struct geologic consulting GmbH, Hallein, Austria

    2: Geologist, Bogotá, Colombia


    Pavement failure and flooding of tunnel in limestone geology

    Hong-Gyu LEE

    Oriental Consultants Global, Tokyo, Japan


    Diagnosis of bench stability conditions in an iron ore open pit in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero/Minas Gerais/Brazil

    Camila Broetto MILLI (1), Alberto Ferreira AMARAL (3), Ana Paula DAHER (2), Marcos NASCIMENTO (3), Silas Santos SALGADO (3), Daniel Chaves dos SANTOS (3)

    1: Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Brazil

    2: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

    3: DF+ Engenharia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil


    Monitoring damage evolution in a tectonically faulted clay shale — an experiment of the Mont Terri URL

    Martin ZIEGLER (1,4), Markus FURCHE (2), Thies BEILECKE (2), Thomas BURSCHIL (2), Anne OBERMANN (3), Qinghua LEI (4), Chenxi ZHAO (4), Simon LOEW (4)

    1: Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo)

    2: German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)

    3: Swiss Seismological Service (SED)

    4: Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich (ETHZ)


    Geotechnical parameters prediction from geophysical logging data using supervised learning methods

    Gabriela Buitrago FRAINZ, Gustavo Vinicius GOUVEIA

    all: Vale, Brazil


    Applications of the Structure from Motion photogrammetric technique to solve geotechnical problems at different scales

    Ramiro GARCÍA-LUNA, Salvador SENENT, Rafael JIMENEZ

    all: E.T.S.I. de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Session T07: Geological risks and natural hazards

    Chairpersons: Christian ZANGERL (1), Haris SAROGLOU (2)

    1: Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards, Institute of Applied Geology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

    2: School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    System of highway slope disaster information collection, integration, simulation and judgement

    Chia-Chi CHIU (1), Wen-Jie SHIU (2), Ching-Fang LEE (2), Meng-Chia WENG (3), Che-Ming YANG (4)

    1: National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

    2: Sinotech Engineering Consultants Inc., Taipei, Taiwan

    3: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

    4: National United University, Miaoli, Taiwan


    Instability phenomena affecting the cultural heritage cave of Antro della Sibilla (Cuma, Italy)

    Daniele SPIZZICHINO (2), Paolo Maria GUARINO (2), Gabriele LEONI (2), Milena DILETTO (1), Edoardo LUSINI (1), Fabio PAGANO (3), Marida SALVATORI (3), Daniela BOLDINI (4)

    1: University of Bologna, Italy

    2: ISPRA, Geological Survey of Italy

    3: Parco Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei, Pozzuoli (Na), Italy

    4: Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


    Development of a double-corrosion-protected self-drilling micropile for the foundation of rockfall protection structures

    Matthias J. REBHAN (1), Hans-Peter DAXER (1), Markus SCHUCH (2), Franz TSCHUCHNIGG (1), Roman MARTE (1)

    1: Graz University of Technology, Austria

    2: ÖBB Infrastruktur AG, Austria


    Numerical analysis of rockfall fragmentation mechanism

    Jian HUANG, Jingqing YUAN, Jianhong LIAO

    all: State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection,  People's Republic of China


    Effect of shape on the survival probability of rock replicas during free fall tests

    Olivier BUZZI, Davide GUCCIONE

    all: Priority Research Centre for Geotechnical Science and Engineering, The University of Newcastle, Australia


    10 years of thermo-mechanical monitoring of rock columns - les chandelles de l’Escalette, France

    Muriel GASC-BARBIER (1), Véronique MERRIEN-SOUKATCHOFF (2), Jean-Luc GENOIS (1), Charly MOUGIN (1), Pierre AZÉMARD (1)

    1: cerema, France

    2: le Cnam, France


    Fracture characteristics obtained from core observations and image logs in a borehole drilled through an active fault zone

    Susumu SHIBUTANI (1), Weiren LIN (2), Koichiro SADO (1)

    1: Chi-ken Sogo Consultants Co., Ltd., Japan

    2: Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan


    Characteristics of reinforcement for earthquake resistance in mountain tunnel

    Kosuke KAWATA (1), Minaho FUKUSHIMA (1), Akira MATSUOKA (1), Atsushi KUSAKA (2), Nobuharu ISAGO (1)

    1: Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

    2: Public Works Research Institute, Japan


    Rockfall instability on high granitic domes: Stawamus Chief, B.C., Canada

    Benjamin COUGHLAN (1), Christian SAMPALEANU (2), Glyn WILLIAMS-JONES (1), Doug STEAD (1)

    1: Simon Fraser University, Canada

    2: Klohn Crippen Berger


    Impact of climate change on the collapse of shallow mines – feedback from France

    Nathalie CONIL (1), Clara MAGHAMI (2), Marwan ALHEIB (1), Philippe GOMBERT (1)

    1: Ineris, France

    2: Ecole des Mines


    Closing the gap from spatio-temporal displacement monitoring to geomechanical process understanding of cascading multi-hazards caused by deep-seated gravitational slope deformations

    Johannes BRANKE (1), Jan PFEIFFER (2), Thomas ZIEHER (3), Magnus BREMER (1), Martin RUTZINGER (1), Bernhard GEMS (1), Margreth KEILER (1,2), Barbara SCHNEIDER-MUNTAU (1)

    1: University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

    2: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria

    3: Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW), Innsbruck, Austria


    An approach to assess the detachment propensity of rockfall source areas: the Susceptibility Index to Failure (SIF)

    Maria Lia NAPOLI (1), Monica BARBERO (1), Marta CASTELLI (1), Francesco CASTELLI (2)

    1: Politecnico di Torino, Italy

    2: Università degli studi di Enna KORE


    Seismic resistance evaluation based on earthquake damage survey data of mountain tunnels

    Katsumi KAMEMURA

    Fukada Geological Institute, Japan


    Predicting geomechanical hazard: utopia or reality?

    Adeline DELONCA

    Center for Research and Innovation in Mining (CIIM), Geomechanics Research Group, Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Santiago, Chile


    Kinematic Analysis and Distinct Element Modelling of a polyphase Rock Fall

    Reinhard GERSTNER (1), Christine FEY (1), Klaus VOIT (1), Erik KUSCHEL (1), Gerald VALENTIN (2), Christian ZANGERL (1)

    1: Institute of Applied Geology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria

    2: Landesgeologischer Dienst, Land Salzburg, Austria


    The collapse of Torrione Sucai (Mt. Viso, Italy): rockfall analysis and data calibration

    Giulia TORSELLO (1), Marta CASTELLI (1), Michele MORELLI (2)

    1: Politecnico di Torino, Italy

    2: ARPA Piemonte, Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment, Turin, Italy





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    The assessment of dynamic stability of rock slopes with hexagonal jointing through shaking table tests and dynamic limiting equilibrium method (DLEM)

    Ömer AYDAN (1), Yuki MURAYAMA (2), Takashi ITO (1), Naohiko TOKASHIKI (1)

    1: University of the Ryukyus, Japan

    2: Chuden Engineering Consultants


    Evaluation of natural foliation effect on deformation characteristic and shear strength parameters of Chamoli (Uttarakhand) rock using a Triaxial system

    Dinesh JAGANIYA, Manish SHAH, Usha PATEL

    all: Dept. of Applied Mechanics, L D College of Engineering


    Assessment of face area hangingwall stability in a hard rock bord and pillar mine

    Jeane Mokgadi MATSOBANE (1), Bryan Philip WATSON (2)

    1: Sibanye Stillwater, South Africa

    2: The University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa


    Failure mechanism and slip characteristics of landslides on loess plateau by continuous-discontinuous method: A case study

    Haojie YANG (1), Gan QI (2), Jili FENG (1), Zhengyuan LIU (1), Dejian LI (1)

    1: China University of Mining and Technology Beijing, People's Republic of China

    2: China Institute of GeoEnvironment Monitoring


    Geomechanical and hydrogeological characterization of fracture systems in Banyoles Karst caprock units, Catalunya


    1: Institut Geològic de Catalunya. Presently: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain

    2: Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain


    Rockfall hazards – Risk assessment, benefit/cost analysis and the design of flexible rockfall protection systems

    Christian BINDER, Anna FREUIS, Michael SCHREINER, Mathias SMESNIK

    all: AFRY Austria GmbH, Austria


    Study of the influence of anthropogenic galleries on the chalk cliff stability at Normandy region (France)

    Ahmed HOSNI, Claire MYR, Bastien COLAS, Isabelle HALFON, Yannick THIERY, Karim BEN SLIMANE

    all: BRGM, 3 avenue Claude Guillemin, Orléans, France


    URUCUM Mine: Rockfall protection and monitoring system

    Felipe GOBBI (1), Bruno DENARDIN DA ROSA (1), Dione Henrique DIAS (1), Fabio BERTUOL (1), Nataly AYUMI TOMA (1), Adoniran COELHO (2)

    1: FGS Geotecnia, Brazil

    2: Vale


    Rockfall risk in remote but touristically developed alpine areas – a modular rockfall risk management system

    Rainer KIENREICH, Alexander KLUCKNER, Thomas MARCHER

    all: Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz University of Technology, Austria


    Failure mechanism of the utility tunnel with flexible joints under reverse fault dislocation

    Lianjin TAO, Zhigang WANG, Zhibo JIA

    all: Beijing University of Technology, People's Republic of China


    Development of post-mining multi-hazard assessment methodology

    Hippolyte DJIZANNE (1), Marwan AL HEIB (2), Aurélien GOUZY (1), Christian FRANCK (1)

    1: Ineris, Parc Technologique ALATA, BP 2, Verneuil-en-Halatte, France

    2: Ineris, Campus ARTEM, Nancy, France


    Experimental simulation of mass flow characteristics for evaluation of the role of flow-bed roughness

    Abhijeet SINGH, Deepanshu SHIROLE

    all: Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India


    Slope stability and engineering characteristics of rock mass at the boundary of slate and schist: Study of Southern Cross-Island Highway in southeastern Taiwan

    Pai-Chiao LO (1), Wei LO (2), Yong-Zhi HUANG (1), Ya-Chu CHIU (3), Tai-Tien WANG (1), Yu-Chung HSIEH (4)

    1: National Taiwan University,Taipei, Taiwan

    2: National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

    3: National Chung Hsing University,Taichung, Taiwan

    4: Central Geological Survey, New Taipei, Taiwan


    Event tree analysis and time-integrated reliability design approach for quantifying rockfall risk reduction

    Maddalena MARCHELLI, Valerio DE BIAGI

    all: Politecnico di Torino, Italy


    A study case of a rockfall event in a geomorphosite from the Corumbataí Geopark Project, state of São Paulo, Brazil

    João Paulo MONTICELLI, Rogerio RIBEIRO

    all: São Carlos School of Engineering University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


    Review and evaluation of Porosity Rate Model (PRM) for highly frost susceptible soils

    Zheng GONG (1), Jang-guen LEE (1), Gyu-Hyun GO (2)

    1: Future Smart Construction Research Division, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

    2: Department of Civil Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Tech


    Numerical Modelling Study of the 2016 Gyeongju Earthquake Rupture Process and Correlation with Groundwater Level Change

    Jeoung Seok YOON (1,2), Anne STRADER (1), Jian ZHOU (3), Soo-Gin KIM (4), Jae-Yeol CHEONG (4)

    1: DynaFrax UG, limited liability, Germany

    2: Handong Global University, Korea

    3: Beijing University of Technology, China

    4: Korea Radioactive Waste Agency, Korea


    An improved calibration and uncertainty analysis for a ground subsidence using physics-informed neural network (PINN) approach

    Hyung-Mok KIM (1), Yashwanth Kumar GUJJALA (1,2), Junya INOUE (3), Dong-Woo RYU (4)

    1: Sejong University, South Korea

    2: Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), India

    3: The University of Tokyo, Japan

    4: Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, South Korea

    Session T08: Hydropower projects and dams

    Chairpersons: Johann NEUNER, Paul BONAPACE

    all: TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG, Innsbruck, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Study on dynamic response characteristics of cave-type excavation of high and steep dam abutment slope

    Yi LUO, Hangli GONG, Qiaoliang LI, Xinping LI

    all: Wuhan University of Technology, People's Republic of China


    A possible way forward to predict the peak shear strength of a natural, unfilled rock joint under concrete dams based on field data

    Francisco RÍOS BAYONA (1), Fredrik JOHANSSON (2), Diego MAS IVARS (2,3), Carl-Oscar NILSSON (4)

    1: Typsa AB, Department of Civil Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden

    2: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden

    3: SKB Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, Solna, Sweden

    4: Uniper – Sydkraft Hydropower AB, Östersund, Sweden


    The material extraction for the Kühtai Dam

    Steffen BAUER, Sebastian PERZLMAIER

    all: TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft, Innsbruck, Austria


    A Block Theory approach for rock erodibility assessment incorporating 3D high-resolution site characterization data

    Mike GEORGE

    BGC Engineering, United States of America


    275 m high Yusufeli arch dam – Geotechnical modelling during construction

    Johannes KLEBERGER, Irmina PÖSCHL, Jonas WEIL

    all: iC consulenten Ziviltechniker GesmbH, Austria


    Evaluation of the effect of rock surface irregularities on energy gradient in unlined dam spillways

    Yavar JALILI KASHTIBAN (1), Ali SAEIDI (1), Marie-Isabelle FARINAS (1), Javier PATARROYO (2)

    1: University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada

    2: Hydro-Quebec, Canada





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Deformation behavior analysis of an arch dam during initial impoundment based on clustering and panel data regression

    Rujiu ZHANG (1), Wenyu ZHUANG (1), Jianjun XU (2), Liang YIN (2), Haining WEI (2), Yaoru LIU (1)

    1: Tsinghua University

    2: POWERCHINA Huadong Engineering Corporation Limted.


    HEPP cavern Kühtai, excavation design and construction experience

    Rupert STEIGER (1), Peter WETZLINGER (2)

    1: TIWAG, Austria

    2: Swietelsky, Austria


    Challenges associated with the construction of vertical and inclined shafts in the Himalayan Region

    Tek Bahadur KATUWAL (1,2), Krishna Kanta PANTHI (1), Chhatra Bahadur BASNET (2)

    1: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

    2: Tribhuvan University, IOE, Pashchimanchal Campus, Pokhara, Nepal


    Behavior of the Rock Foundation of a Concrete Dam Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity


    all: Hydro-Quebec, Canada


    3D numerical modelling of stability of underground pumped storage hydropower (UPSH)

    Yuxi LIU (1), Qianbing ZHANG (1), Ivan CHING (2)

    1: Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia

    2: SMEC Pty. Ltd., Sydney, NSW, Australia


    Experimental study of joint opening and block protrusion effects on rock mass erosion in unlined spillways

    Marie-Hélène WISSE (1), Ali SAEIDI (1), Marco QUIRION (2)

    1: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada

    2: Hydro-Québec

    Session T09: Long-term behaviour of underground structures

    Chairpersons: Bernd A. MORITZ (1), Thomas PILGERSTORFER (2)

    1: ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG (Austrian Federal Railways), Graz, Austria

    2: Geoconsult ZT GmbH, Puch bei Hallein, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Influence of different support systems on drifts closure evolution in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone

    Frederico LARA (1), Lina-María GUAYACÁN-CARRILLO (1), Jean SULEM (1), Jana JABER (2), Jan CORNET (2), Gilles ARMAND (2)

    1: Laboratoire Navier/CERMES, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Université Gustave Eiffel, CNRS, Marne la Vallée, France

    2: ANDRA, Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory, Bure, France


    Data and analytical mechanics: a new look on NATM tunnels

    Raphael SCHARF (1), Bernhard PICHLER (1), Roman HEISSENBERGER (2), Bernd MORITZ (2), Christian HELLMICH (1)

    1: Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Vienna, Austria

    2: ÖBB - Infrastruktur AG, Streckenmanagement und Anlagenentwicklung, Fachbereich Bautechnik - Tunnelbau, Graz, Austria


    Long term behaviour based on a weakness planes approach: Constitutive model and application to a Meuse/Haute-Marne (France) URL drift

    Mountaka SOULEY (1), Minh-Ngoc VU (2), Gilles ARMAND (2)

    1: National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (Ineris), France, France

    2: Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra), France


    Eighteen years of feedback on the mechanical behavior of a 500m deep shaft on the Meuse/Haute-Marne (MHM) Andra’s URL (France)

    Jana JABER (1), Carlos PLUA (1), Minh-Ngoc VU (2), Gilles ARMAND (1), Jad ZGHONDI (1)

    1: Andra, Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory, France

    2: Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, France


    Rehabilitation of old masonry tunnels – challenges and possibilities

    Tilman SANDNER, Claas MEIER, Boley CONRAD

    all: Boley Geotechnik GmbH, Germany


    Effects of water on the time dependent properties of rock

    Kimihiro HASHIBA, Katsunori FUKUI

    all: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


    Numerical simulation of nuclide transport at the underground repository scale subjected to thermal loading

    Jintong ZHANG (1), Zhihong ZHAO (1), Junyu CHEN (1), Xingguang ZHAO (2), Ju WANG (2)

    1: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    2: Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing, China


    Investigating the impact of viscoelastic material models for accurate stress estimation in precast concrete tunnel segments

    Ali RAZGORDANISHARAHI (1), Maximilian SORGNER (1), Adolf Bernd MORITZ (2), Thomas PILGERSTORFER (3), Bernhard L.A. PICHLER (1), Christian HELLMICH (1)

    1: Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Vienna, Austria

    2: OeBB-Infrastructure AG, Graz, Austria

    3: Geoconsult ZT GmbH, Austria


    Time-dependency and long-term strength of rocks in brittle underground environments – from the lab results to numerical continuum analysis

    Chrysothemis PARASKEVOPOULOU (1), James INNOCENTE (2), Mark DIEDERICHS (2)

    1: University of Leeds, United Kingdom

    2: Queen's University, Canada


    Evolution of spalling-inducing fractures around a deep geological repository for nuclear waste during glaciations and their effect on the long-term repository stability

    M. Cristina SACEANU (1), Adriana PALUSZNY (1), Robert W. ZIMMERMAN (1), Diego MAS IVARS (2,3)

    1: Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

    2: Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB), Solna, Sweden

    3: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


    Crush Pillars’ Behaviour at Intermediate Depth on Merensky Reef

    Hlomani Glen MTHOMBENI, Shane K. DURAPRAJ, Richard T. MASETHE

    all: Sibanye Stillwater, South Africa


    Dissolution and precipitation processes governing the hydration heat development in tunnel cements: Green’s function-based estimation of heat release in modified calorimetric tests

    Hermann HÖLD, Bernhard PICHLER, Helmut RECHBERGER, Philipp ASCHENBRENNER, Christian HELLMICH

    all: TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Vienna, Austria





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Self-sealing experiments with water and gas injection on Callovo-Oxfordian claystone under X-ray tomography

    Mensan Dèlwindé Gildas Cedric AGBOLI, Dragan GRGIC, Albert GIRAUD

    all: Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Laboratoire GeoRessources, Nancy, France


    Creep induced tunnel collapse during construction – a case study of a mountain railway tunnel in Taiwan

    Wen-Jie SHIU (1), Fu-Yuan HSIAO (1), Cheng-Hsien TSAI (1), Shih-Hui WANG (2)

    1: Sinotech, Taiwan

    2: Raito Engineering Corp., Taiwan


    Coupled thermo-hydraulic-mechanical analysis for a high efficiency high-level radioactive waste repository in South Korea

    Kwang-Il KIM, Changsoo LEE, Dong-Keun CHO

    all: Korea Atomic Energy Research Insitute, Republic of Korea (South Korea)


    Geological control on the operational behavior of Masjed -e Soleyman Dam, Iran


    Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA), Islamic Republic of Iran


    Experimental study and damage-mechanism-based modelling of creep behavior of fractured granite

    Chunping WANG (1), Liang CHEN (1), Jian LIU (1), Xingguang ZHAO (1), Ju WANG (1), Jianfeng LIU (2)

    1: Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing, China

    2: Sichuan University, Chengdu, China


    Consideration to evaluate maintenance process for utilization of non-supported underground quarries

    Rui HUANG (1,2), Takafumi SEIKI (1), Qinxi DONG (3), Shizuo NOGUCHI (4), Takeshi OHMURA (4)

    1: Utsunomiya University, Japan

    2: Xihua University, China

    3: Hainan University, China

    4: Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co. Ltd., Japan


    Design of underground structures and support systems for extraction of inclined coal seam

    Arka Jyoti DAS, Prabhat Kumar MANDAL, Ranjan KUMAR

    all: CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad, India


    Laboratory measurement by geotechnical centrifuge of long-term behavior in a model of vertical emplacement concept with tunnel at a deep geological disposal repository


    Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry

    Session T10: Monitoring

    Chairpersons: Werner LIENHART (1), Urs H. GRUNICKE (2)

    1: Institute of Engineering Geodesy and Measurement Systems, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

    2: UHG Consult Ziviltechniker, Salzburg, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Development of tunnel pre-displacement measurement method by fiber optic sensing

    Kazuo SAKAI (1), Toshifumi AKAKI (1), Yoshimi OHNISHI (1), Shigeru TANAKA (2), Tomonori HORIDOME (2)

    1: Taisei Corporation, Japan

    2: Toa Elmes, Japan


    Next-generation high-resolution borehole tensor strainmeters for the measurement of six strain-components based on fully automated interferometric displacement sensors

    Jiayong TIAN (1), Kanghua ZHANG (2), Jiashu LOU (1)

    1: National Institute of Natural Hazards, MEMC, P.R.China

    2: Tianjin University, P.R.China


    Monitoring and analysis of the behavior of the Salzburg-Clay during the jet grouting works for the S-LINK project

    Albert GREINMEISTER (1), Johann GOLSER (2), Alexander RADINGER (2), Gernot JEDLITSCHKA (3), Manfred EDER (4), Micheal FELDINGER (5), Franz RATHMAIR (6), Erich SAURER (7)

    1: Salzburger Regionalstadtbahn Projektgesellschaft mbh, Salzburg, Austria

    2: Geodata Surveying and Monitoring Group, Leoben, Austria

    3: JV TSS – Team Schiene Salzburg, Puch, Austria (Geoconsult ZT GmbH)

    4: JV TSS – Team Schiene Salzburg, Puch, Austria (Laabmayr ZT GmbH)

    5: JV TSS – Team Schiene Salzburg, Puch, Austria (IGT Geotechnik und Tunnelbau ZT GmbH)

    6: Keller Grundbau GmbH, Linz, Austria

    7: Skava consulting ZT-GmbH, Salzburg, Austria


    Sinkholes and underground mining activities: the key role of monitoring for the hazard assessment and mitigation

    Bartolomeo VIGNA, Adriano FIORUCCI, Federico VAGNON, Marco BARALE

    all: Politecnico di Torino, Italy


    Strategy and application of slope monitoring over dam basin in regular periods and during emergencies using SAR and GNSS

    Shoji YUKIKO (1), Kikuchi TERUYUKI (2), Koike HITOSHI (3), Shimizu NORIKAZU (4)

    1: Electric Power Development Co., Ltd., Chigasaki, Japan

    2: J-POWER Design Co., Ltd., Chiyoda, Japan

    3: J-POWER Business Service Corporation, Chuo, Japan

    4: Yamaguchi University, Ube, Japan


    Regression analysis of slope instabilities evolution for time of failure estimation

    Alberto MICHELINI

    IDS GeoRadar, Italy


    Long-term monitoring of Austrian railway tunnels – A next step forward

    Adolf Bernd MORITZ (1), Johannes FLECKL (1), Werner LIENHART (2), Johann GOLSER (3), Thomas PILGERSTORFER (4)

    1: ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, Graz, Austria

    2: Graz University of Technology, Austria

    3: Geodata, Leoben, Austria

    4: Geoconsult ZT GmbH, Puch bei Hallein, Austria


    Use of combined monitoring remote sensing techniques for the study of active fractures in a remote area: Case of Cima Del Simano rockslide

    Charlotte WOLFF (1), Tiggi CHOANJI (1), Marc-Henri DERRON (1), Li FEI (1), Michel JABOYEDOFF (1), Andrea PEDRAZZINI (2), Carlo RIVOLTA (3)

    1: ISTE - University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland

    2: Sezione forestale- Repubblica e Cantone Ticino, Bellinzona, Switzerland

    3: Ellegi Srl - operational and administrative headquarters, Milano, Italy


    Rockfall simulation and identification their sources locations along Massive external crystalline in Alps zone using LiDAR and Panorama Images: Case of La Grave, France

    Tiggi CHOANJI (1,2), Li FEI (1), Charlotte WOLFF (1), Franck BOURRIER (3), Romain GAUCHER (4), Kan Jean KOUAMÉ (5), Marc-Henri DERRON (1), Michel JABOYEDOFF (1)

    1: Risk Group, ISTE, University of Lausanne, Geopolis – Quartier Mouline 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland

    2: Department of Geological Engineering, Islamic University of Riau, Pekanbaru Riau 28284, Indonesia

    3: Université Grenoble-Alpes, INRAE, ETNA, 38000 Grenoble, France

    4: Service Ingénierie, Département des Hautes-Alpes, Gap, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France

    5: CURAT, Côte d’Ivoire, Bd. De l'Université, Université Félix HOUPHOUËT-BOIGNY d'Abidjan Cocody (Côte d'Ivoire)


    Distributed Fiber Optic Monitoring Systems in Tunneling: Implementation from research into practice

    Christoph Martin MONSBERGER (1), Fabian BUCHMAYER (1), Werner LIENHART (1,2)

    1: ACI Monitoring GmbH, Austria

    2: Graz University of Technology, Institute of Engineering Geodesy and Measurement Systems, Austria





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Determination and validation of Longitudinal Displacement Profile by in situ measurements at the M85 motorway tunnel

    Ferenc DEÁK (1,4), Ákos TÓTH (2), Tomas MÁRIK (3)

    1: SeklerGeo, Hungary

    2: TunnelTech Ltd., Hungary

    3: Geoinspect Ltd., Cech Republic



    An overview of RAR application for pit slope monitoring: with a focus on spatial and temporal resolution

    Sharla COETSEE (1), Priyanka NARSHAI (1), John-Philip TAYLOR (2)

    1: Reutech Mining, South Africa

    2: Reutech Radar Systems, South Africa


    Monitoring the rock-mechanical safety of underground limestone quarries using fibre optic sensing technology

    Edo NOORDERMEER (1), Roland BEKENDAM (2), Karlijn BEERS (1), Auke NACHENIUS (1), Devrez KARABACAK (1)

    1: Fugro, The Netherlands

    2: GeoControl


    Analysis of the evolution of a reclaimed coal mining area using historical aerial photographs

    Roberto SARRO (1), Juan LÓPEZ-VINIELLES (1), Adrián RIQUELME (2), Mónica MARTÍNEZ-CORBELLA (1), Juan Carlos GARCÍA-DAVALILLO (1), Augusto RODRÍGUEZ (1), José Antonio FERNANDEZ-MERODO (1), Ángela SUÁREZ-RODRÍGUEZ (1), Mario HERNÁNDEZ (1), Rosa María MATEOS (1), Mercedes FERRER (1), Joaquín MULAS (1)

    1: Geological Survey of Spain (IGME-CSIC)

    2: University of Alicante


    Development of a non-destructive stress measurement method using distributed fiber optic sensing and geophysical techniques

    Sepidehalsadat HENDI, Erik EBERHARDT, Mostafa GORJIAN

    all: University of British Columbia, Canada


    First experience with the newly created monitoring system of dynamics of surface changes occurring during the transition into the post-mining stage


    all: Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic


    Usage of Monitoring Data to Optimize and Validate the Geotechnical Parameters of Rock Properties in the Underground Space

    Ghader SAADATI (1,2), Michael METT (2), Kontrus HEINER (2), Barbara SCHNEIDER-MUNTAU (1)

    1: Unit of Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, University of Innsbruck, Austria

    2: Dibit Messtechnik GmbH, Austria


    Optimization of a large-scale slope monitoring system by the correlation between interferometric radar and geological compartmentalization

    Miguel PAGANIN NETO, Elder Lucas RIBEIRO, Christiano NOGUEIRA, João Pedro DELVEAUX, Wesley de Lima SILVA, Camilla Szerman EUZEBIO

    all: VALE S.A.


    Geotechnical Risk Assessment and Management with Underground Controls and Monitoring System for Sill Pillar Recovery at Tüprag Efemcukuru Gold Mine

    Muammer BERBER

    Eldorado Gold (TUPRAG Efemcukuru Gold Mine), Turkey


    A new in-situ monitoring system to determine stability of underground coal pillar subjected to dynamic loading: electrical resistance measurement system (ERMS)

    İhsan ÖZKAN (1), Mehmet MESUTOĞLU (1), Mahmut Yasin ÇETINKAYA (2)

    1: Konya Technical University, Konya, Turkey

    2: Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKİ)-Ömerler Underground Coal Mine, Kütahya, Turkey


    Low-frequency acoustic emission characteristics from meter-scale fracturing of rock-like brittle materials

    June Ho PARK (1), Jin Seop KIM (2), Chang Ho HONG (2), Ji Won KIM (2), Tae Hyuk KWON (1)

    1: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

    2: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea


    Monitoring long-term hydromechanical processes in swellable Opalinus Clay shale of the new Belchen tunnel (Switzerland)

    Martin ZIEGLER (1), Simon LOEW (1), Arash Alimardani LAVASAN (2), Ernando SARAIVA (3)

    1: Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

    2: Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

    3: Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate

    Session T11: NATM versus TBM

    Chairpersons: Dietmar BACH (1), Davide MERLINI (2)

    1: IGT Geotechnik und Tunnelbau ZT GmbH, Salzburg, Austria

    2: Pini Group SA, Switzerland


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Cutting performance evaluation of Actuated Disc Cutting by linear cutting test

    Hoyoung JEONG (1), Yudhidya WICAKSANA (2), Sehun KIM (3), Seokwon JEON (3), Jeong-Gi UM (1)

    1: Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

    2: Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

    3: Seoul National University, Republic of Korea (South Korea)


    Compression test of TBM thrust jack for validation of bucking strength under inclined loading condition

    Han-Young JEONG (1), Mun-Gyu KIM (1), Yun-Joo NAM (1), Min-Gi CHO (1), Jung-Woo CHO (1), Sung-Bo SHIM (2)

    1: KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), Republic of Korea (South Korea)

    2: Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    TBM penetration rate prediction using machine learning models and models’ generalization

    Shengfeng HUANG, Misagh ESMAEILPOUR, Saadeldin MOSTAFA, Pooya DASTPAK, Rita SOUSA

    all: Stevens Institute of Technology, United States of America


    Performance validation of rock cutting-splitting method by scaled model tests and rock slope excavation

    Mun-Gyu KIM (1), Han-Young JEONG (1), Joo-Young OH (1), Jung-Woo CHO (1), Sang-Hwa YU (2), Ho-Young JEONG (3)

    1: KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), Republic of Korea

    2: Hochang Engineering Co., Republic of Korea

    3: Pukyong University, Busan, Republic of Korea

    Session T12: New developments in rock support

    Chairpersons: Robert GALLER (1), Karl BÖHM (2)

    1: Subsurface Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Austria

    2: DSI Underground Austria GmbH, Pasching/Linz, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    New yielding elements made of high-strength expanded polystyrene (HS-EPS)


    all: Implenia Österreich GmbH, Austria


    Reinforcement effect of deformation-controlled tunnelling supports based on three-dimensional tunnel excavation analysis

    Yasuhiro YOKOTA (1,2), Kensuke DATE (1,2), Atsushi SAINOKI (3), Masako ISHII (2,4), Kazuhiko MASUMOTO (2,4), Mori UTSUNO (2)

    1: KAJIMA Technical Research Institute Singapore, Singapore

    2: KAJIMA Corporation, Japan

    3: Kumamoto University

    4: Kajima Technical Research Institute, Japan


    Rational design for tunnel ground support with membranes based on the geomechanically classification of Q by Barton

    Roberto LUIS (1), Rico BRÄNDLE (1), Gabriel VON RICKENBACH (1), German FISCHER (2), Sergio MARK (2)

    1: Geobrugg AG

    2: Geobrugg Andina SpA


    Full-Scale Pullout Tests of Rock Anchors in Limestone Testing the Interfacial Bond Strengths

    Bjarte GRINDHEIM (1), Charlie Chunlin LI (1), Are Håvard HØIEN (2)

    1: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway

    2: Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA), Bergen, Norway


    Prevention of catastrophic corrosion failure of rockbolt and cable bolt in underground coal mines

    Honghao CHEN (1), Hamed Lamei RAMAND (1), Imrana KABIR (1), Onder KIMYON (1), Ren CHEN (1), Naresh KUMAR (1), Cindy GUNAWAN (3), Peter CRAIG (2), Ismet CANBULAT (1), Micheal MANEFIELD (1), Serkan SAYDAM (1)

    1: University of New South Wales, Australia

    2: Jennmar Australia

    3: University of Technology Sydney


    Research of safety-relevant natural and structural factors influencing the load-bearing capacity of rock stabilization with chemical grouts

    Conrad BOLEY (1), Paul PRATTER (2), Lisa WILFING (2)

    1: Institute for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany

    2: Boley Geotechnik GmbH, Munich, Germany


    Microfibrillated cellulose as additive for wet-mix shotcrete

    Mathias LAURAEUS (1,3), Mikael RINNE (1), Antti LAUKKANEN (2)

    1: Department of Civil Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

    2: Betulium Ltd, Espoo, Finland

    3: Sweco Finland Ltd, Helsinki, Finland


    Blast Induced Vibrations and Strain Rate Effects in Dynamic Capacity of Underground Concrete Structures

    Frederick KUHNOW

    GEI Consultants


    On the Expected Location of Fire-Induced Concrete Spalling

    Dorna EMAMI (1), Souvik SAHA (2), Mehdi SERATI (1), Harry ASCHE (3), David J WILLIAMS (1)

    1: The University of Queensland, Australia

    2: University of Queensland – IIT Delhi Academy of Research, New Delhi, India

    3: Aurecon, Brisbane, Australia


    Influence of rock crystal structure on bond strength at the rock-shotcrete interface

    Kunze LI, Hamed LAMEI RAMANDI, Chengguo ZHANG, Sahand TADBIRI, Serkan SAYDAM, Joung OH

    all: University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia


    Experimental Investigations of Instrumented Fully Grouted Rock Bolts under Pull Load

    Jemishkumar Vijaykumar MODI (1,2), Debasis DEB (2), Rakesh KUMAR (2)

    1: Government Engineering College Palanpur

    2: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


    Verification of design relevant parameters for new pipe umbrella support systems

    Günther M. VOLKMANN

    DSI Underground Austria GmbH, Austria





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Modeling the rational parameters for innovative fastening systems in mine workings using composite materials

    Iryna KOVALEVSKA, Volodymyr BONDARENKO, Hennadii SYMANOVYCH, Ivan SHEKA, Yevhenii TSIVKA

    all: Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine


    Research on application of new combined support structures in reinforcing rocky slopes containing weak interlayers

    Fei ZHAO, Zhenming SHI, Songbo YU

    all: Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China


    An analytical model for cable bolts considering crack propagation in grout

    Danqi LI

    Curtin University, Australia


    Determination of tensile strength of rocks by CTC (compression-tensile load converter test)

    Ana Carolina BAÊSSO (1), Euripedes do Amaral VARGAS JR. (1), Raquel Quadros VELLOSO (1), Eduardo Gomes MARQUES (2)

    1: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    2: Federal University of Viçosa

    Session T13: Numerical methods in rock engineering

    Chairpersons: Helmut F. SCHWEIGER (1), Daniela BOLDINI (2)

    1: Institute of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Computational Geotechnics, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

    2: Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Chemical Engineering Materials Environment, Rome, Italy


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    FDEM modelling of hydraulic fracturing in jointed rocks

    Mansour SHARAFISAFA (1,2), Zeinab ALIABADIAN (1), Akira SATO (1), Luming SHEN (2)

    1: Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan

    2: School of Civil Engineering, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia


    Numerical modelling of the swelling of clayey geomaterials by a multiscale approach

    Hamza MHAMDI ALAOUI, Richard GIOT, Dimitri PRÊT, Philippe COSENZA, Stephen HEDAN

    all: IC2MP, Université de Poitiers, CNRS, HydrASA, Poitiers, France


    Numerical Modelling-Based Methodology for Generating Fragility Curves of Underground Tunnels under Static Loading

    Shahriyar HEIDARZADEH (1), Ali SAEIDI (2)

    1: SNC-Lavalin, Canada

    2: University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC)


    A numerical modelling study of the effect of pillar shape on pillar strength

    Jan Abram MARITZ, Daniel Francois MALAN

    all: University of Pretoria, South Africa


    Numerical modeling of cracking process in partially saturated porous media and application to rainfall-induced slope instability analysis

    Meng WANG, Zhan YU, Jianfu SHAO

    all: University of Lille, CNRS, France


    Applicability of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for equilibrium state prediction in tunnel excavation

    Alec TRISTANI, Lina-María GUAYACÁN-CARRILLO, Jean SULEM, Sebastián Ariel DONZIS

    all: Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France


    Numerical prediction of thermal weakening effects on granite rock

    Timo SAKSALA

    Tampere University, Tampere, Finland


    Multiscale modelling of rock behaviour around underground works with an insight of microstructural characteristics influence

    Benoît PARDOEN, Christos MOURLAS

    all: University of Lyon, ENTPE, LTDS, France


    Modelling brittle rock mass behaviour in deep underground excavations

    Giuseppe CAMMARATA (1), Davide ELMO (2), Sandro BRASILE (3)

    1: Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company, Milan, Italy

    2: University of British Columbia, NBK Institute of Mining Engineering, Vancouver, Canada

    3: Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company, Delft, The Netherlands


    The correlation between aperture evolution and induced seismicity during simulated hydraulic fracturing in lab-scale coal samples

    Xin ZHANG, Guangyao SI, Joung OH

    all: University of New South Wales, Australia


    Phase-field model of compressive and tensile fractures in ductile sandstone, calibrated by P wave velocity measurement and moment tensor inversion

    Xu LI, Guangyao SI, Joung OH, Ismet CANBULAT

    all: UNSW, Australia


    The effect of temperature on lost circulation through induced fractures - a fully coupled THM model

    Shuai ZHANG (1), Yongcun FENG (1), Tao XIE (2), Qi HE (1), Hai LIN (2)

    1: China University of Petroleum,Beijing, China

    2: Tianjin Branch, CNOOC (China) Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China


    Semmering-Basetunnel, Alternative Numeric Modelling of Long-term Rock Mass Behavior and Conceptual Support Design

    Alexander POISEL (1), Gunter GSCHWANDTNER (2), Markus SITZWOHL (3), Oliver Kai WAGNER (4)

    1: IGT Geotechnik und Tunnelbau ZT GmbH, Austria

    2: Energie AG, formaly iC-Consulenten, Linz, Austria

    3: IGT Geotechnik und Tunnelbau ZT GmbH, Austria

    4: ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, Graz, Austria


    The effective material properties of rock mass inversed from dynamic test data

    Rui HUANG (1,2), Takafumi SEIKI (1), Qinxi DONG (3), Hui WANG (3), Ömer AYDAN (4)

    1: Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya, Japan

    2: Xihua University, Chengdu, China

    3: Hainan University, Haikou, China

    4: University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan


    Influence of contact shape and distribution on fluid flow through a fracture

    Masoud TORKAN (1), Amir HOSSEINI KHORASGANI (2), Lauri UOTINEN (1), Alireza BAGHBANAN (2), Mikael RINNE (1)

    1: Department of Civil engineering, Aalto University, Finland

    2: Department of Mining Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran


    Anisotropy Effects on the Response of Deep Tunnels Excavated in Claystone

    Miguel Angel MÁNICA (2), Antonio GENS (1), Jean VAUNAT (1), Gilles ARMAND (3), Minh-ngoc VU (3)

    1: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - CIMNE, Spain

    2: National Autonomous University of Mexico. Mexico

    3: ANDRA R&D, France


    A numerical analysis of weakening of a granitic rock by piezoelectric excitation of quartz

    Rafael Arturo RUBIO RUIZ (1), Timo SAKSALA (1,2), Alexandre KANE (3), Mikko HOKKA (1)

    1: Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Tampere University, Finland

    2: Faculty of Built Environment, Tampere University, Finland

    3: Sintef Industry, Norway


    Assessment on the in-situ rock stress condition along an unlined pressure tunnel/shaft of a Norwegian Hydropower Project using numerical modeling

    Bikash CHAUDHARY (1), Krishna Kanta PANTHI (1), Nghia Quoc TRINH (2)

    1: NTNU, Norway

    2: SINTEF, Norway


    Numerical investigation of the behaviour of underground strata reinforced with polymer liner, steel mesh and bolts subjected to buckling failure

    Saurav KARN (1), Ian PORTER (2), Shivakumar KAREKAL (2)

    1: BHP, Australia

    2: University of Wollongong, Australia


    Development and application of a grain-based hybrid finite-discrete element method for investigating fracture processes of heterogeneous rocks under static and dynamic loads

    Hongyuan LIU (1), Daisuke FUKUDA (2), Haoyu HAN (3), Di WU (4), Qianbing ZHANG (5)

    1: School of Engineering, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia

    2: Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

    3: School of Architecture and Planning, Yunnan University, Kunming, China

    4: Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China

    5: Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia


    CERN (HL-LHC): challenges and tunneling experience for the design of new underground structures at Point 5

    Davide MERLINI (1), Matteo FALANESCA (1), Filippo GIANELLI (1), Gianluca BELLA (1), Roberto SCHÜRCH (1), Anastasia LOPEZ- HERNANDEZ (2)

    1: Pini Group SA, Switzerland

    2: CERN, Switzerland


    Effect of blast damage on pillars of caving mines

    Edgar MONTIEL (1), Max BLODEL (1), Edjan BUSTAMANTE (2), Esteban HORMAZABAL (1)

    1: Srk, Chile

    2: Autonoumus University of México


    Optimum spacing of TBM disc cutters using an explicit finite element approach

    Asif Jeelani BHAT, Dr vidya Bhushan MAJI

    all: indian institute of technology madras, India


    A 3D breakable Grain-Based Discrete Element model for transversely isotropic rocks

    Leandro Lima RASMUSSEN (1,2), Ki-Bok MIN (2)

    1: University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil

    2: Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


    Production Sequence Analysis of an Overhand Cut-And-Fill Mine in a Narrow-Vein Type Orebody Using Numerical Modeling

    Ahmet Gunes YARDIMCI, Mustafa ERKAYAOGLU

    all: Middle East Technical University, Türkiye


    Novel numerical approach to modeling excavation in hard rocks

    Erick RÓGENES (1,2), Leandro RASMUSSEN (1), Márcio FARIAS (1), Alessandra GOMES (2)

    1: University of Brasilia, Brazil

    2: DF+ Engenharia


    Analyzing numerical grouted rockbolt behaviour in jointed pseudo-discontinuum models


    all: Queen's Geomechanics and Geohazards Group, Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Queen's University, Canada


    Modelling the hydro-mechanical behaviour of a 3D rough-walled rock joint

    Xu ZHU, Min GAO, Guangyao SI, Chengguo ZHANG, Joung OH

    all: University of New South Wales, Australia


    Data Assimilation for Prediction of Surrounding Rock Mass Behavior during Underground Structure Construction Phases

    Yasuhisa AONO, Tetsuo OKUNO

    all: Shimizu Corporation, Japan


    Influence of deep coal mines on the stability of shallow cavities

    Temenuga GEORGIEVA (1,2), Fanny DESCAMPS (1), George AJDANLIJSKY (3), Sara VANDYCKE (1), Nicolas GONZE (1), Jean-Pierre TSHIBANGU (1)

    1: University of Mons, Belgium

    2: Euridice, Belgium

    3: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria


    On advanced numerical techniques for the modeling of bolt reinforced rock mass

    Tuan Anh BUI (1), Giuseppe CAMMARATA (1), Varun Choudary KANCHARLA (1), Ronald BRINKGREVE (2), Sandro BRASILE (1)

    1: Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company, The Netherlands

    2: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


    Comparison of analytical and numerical solutions for stresses and displacements around unlined tunnels with arbitrary cross sections inside anisotropic rock masses

    Manuel Bernhard WINKLER (1), Ali YAZ (2), Thomas MARCHER (1)

    1: Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

    2: Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey


    Modeling of joints of segment linings under complex relation between lining and ground conditions

    Kyeunghye AHN (1), Amade POUYA (1), Gye-Chun CHO (2)

    1: Laboratoire Navier (Université Gustave Eiffel, CNRS, ENPC), Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Marne-la-Vallée, France

    2: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea


    Development of a 3D discrete element method approach to study the evolution of rock cutting mechanism in high-depth conditions: application to Vosges Sandstone

    Nicolas GONZE, Fanny DESCAMPS, Jean-Pierre TSHIBANGU

    all: University of Mons, Mons, Belgium


    Analysing the influence of finite deformations treatment towards the safety assessment of nuclear waste repositories


    all: BGR, Germany


    Fluid injection influence on fracture propagation near an underground drift

    Mohammad Youssef FALLAH SOLTANABAD (1), Amade POUYA (1), Lina Maria GUAYACAN CARRILLO (1), Laurent BROCHARD (1), Christophe DE LESQUEN (2), Minh-ngoc VU (2)

    1: Navier Laboratory/CERMES, École des Ponts ParisTech, Gustave Eiffel University, CNRS, Marne-la-Vallée, France

    2: Andra R&D, 92290 Châtenay-Malabry, France


    A new perspective of load-transfer behavior of rough rock-socketed piles

    José G. GUTIÉRREZ-CH (1), Salvador SENENT (1), Svetlana MELENTIJEVIĆ (2), Rafael JIMENEZ (1)

    1: E.T.S.I. de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

    2: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain


    Consideration of Creep Deformation in Deep Underground Gallery Excavation in Claystone

    Richard WITASSE (1), Jean-Francois BRUCHON (2), Sebastien BURLON (2)

    1: Seequent, The Netherlands

    2: Terrasol, France





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Forecast of Mine Inflow using In-situ Well Test and Visual Modflow in an Underground Mine

    Myong Song SONG (1), Un Chol HAN (2), Kun Ui HONG (1), Il Yong KANG (2), Yong Il RI (3)

    1: Faculty of Mining Engineering, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

    2: School of Science and Engineering, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

    3: Faculty of Anthracite Mining Engineering, Pyong Song University of Coal Mining, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)


    A continuum-oriented finite-discrete element method (cFDEM) for rock fracturing simulation

    Ke GAO (1,2), Weibing CAI (1,2), Shugang AI (1,2)

    1: Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

    2: Department Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Geophysical High-resolution Imaging Technology, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


    Numerical modelling of pillars with weak alteration layers using the TEXAN code

    Paul Michael COUTO (1), Daniel Francois MALAN (2)

    1: Cartledge Mining and Geotechnics, Australia

    2: University of Pretoria, South Africa


    Numerical modeling and monitoring of blast-induced ground vibration of the Kebasen railway tunnel in Indonesia

    Simon Heru PRASSETYO (1), Ganda Marihot SIMANGUNSONG (2), Yofi OKATRISZA (3), Imam SUBCHI (4)

    1: Mining Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia

    2: Mining Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia

    3: Commitment-Making Officer for Cirebon-Kroya Double-Track Railways, Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

    4: Project Manager for the Kebasen Tunnel Construction, PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, Jakarta, Indonesia


    A Model Benchmark Exercise for the 2D Analysis of a Tunnel Excavation in Rock

    Sebastien BURLON (1), Jean-Francois BRUCHON (1), Richard WITASSE (2)

    1: Terrasol, France

    2: Seequent, The Netherlands


    The shear behavior of the rock-concrete interface with different angles: A DEM simulation

    Yingcai HOU (1), Lushan SHU (1), Kai SHEN (2), Yadong XUE (1)

    1: Department of Geotechnical Engineering College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, People's Republic of China

    2: School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China


    Integral system of monitoring and modeling for blast optimization

    Ruilin YANG

    Orica, United States of America


    Slope support analysis at Jwaneng Mine

    Christian CANCINO (1), Loren LORIG (1), Augusto LUCARELLI (1), Kabo GABANAKGOSI (2), Otsile BAREI (2)

    1: Itasca Consulting Group, USA

    2: Debswana Diamond Company, Botswana


    Mathematical model to describe the movement of rocks due to gravity in block caving mining

    Sergio PALMA (1), Rodolfo MORALES (2)

    1: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile

    2: Universidad de Chile


    Numerical analysis of pillar stability for safe mining of a combined mine based on three-dimensional solid model

    Un Chol HAN (1), Kum Il PAK (2), Kun Ui HONG (2), Chol RI (2), Il Yong KANG (1), Shang Guk CHOE (3), In Jun RI (3), Yong Il RI (4)

    1: School of Science and Engineering, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

    2: Faculty of Mining Engineering, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

    3: Shangnong Mine, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

    4: Faculty of Anthracite Mining Engineering, Pyong Song University of Coal Mining, Pyongsong, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)


    2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Drawdown Analysis of Sediment Dam

    Thedy SENJAYA (1), Ridho Kresna WATTIMENA (1), Nuhindro Priagung WIDODO (1), Devi KAMARATIH (1), Nisrina Zaida ULFA (2)

    1: Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia

    2: PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, Jakarta, Indonesia


    Finite element analysis-aided performance examination of the umbrella arch method for tunneling through weak zone

    Hsin Chen CHOU, Cheng Han LIN, On Lei Annie KWOK, Yu Chao LIN, Ming Lang LIN

    all: National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


    Seismic velocity estimation using a digital rock without segmentation - tips for accurate calibration and estimation

    Kazuya ISHITSUKA, Hitoshi MATSUI, Weiren LIN, Nana KAMIYA, Yoshitaka NARA

    all: Kyoto University, Japan


    Failure characteristics of rock mass around sublevel and shrinkage stopes in steep thick orebody using Surpac and 3DEC

    Kun Ui HONG (1), Chung Song CHOE (1), Chung Il KIM (1), Un Chol HAN (2)

    1: Faculty of Mining Engineering, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

    2: School of Science and Engineering, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea


    The effect of different rock mass properties on deformation distribution detected with intelligent rock bolts in underground mining

    Michel VARELIJA (1), Michael NÖGER (1), Philipp HARTLIEB (1), Peter MOSER (1), Dominik DENDL (2)

    1: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria

    2: DSI Underground


    An iterative scheme for the determination of the conformal mapping coefficients used in closed-form solutions for tunnels with arbitrary geometry

    Manuel Bernhard WINKLER (1), Thomas MARCHER (1), Ali YAZ (2)

    1: Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

    2: Instanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey


    Kinematic simulation of rock cutting performance of a 130t Roadheader in Korea

    Mun-Gyu KIM (1), Hyun-Jun PARK (1), Joo-Young OH (1), Chang-Heon SONG (1), Jung-Woo CHO (1), Ho-Young JEONG (2)

    1: KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)

    2: Pukyong National University


    Simulation of ground deformation of subway station using pile-beam-arch method

    Hui HE, Chao WANG, Hua JIANG, Zhengyuan LIU, Zhiyong YANG, Yusheng JIANG, Jili FENG

    all: China University of Mining and Technology Beijing, People's Republic of China


    Probabilistic assessment of rock loads for tunnel support design

    Jiwoo AHN (1), Jurij KARLOVŠEK (2), Adrian SMITH (3)

    1: BHP, Australia

    2: The University of Queensland, Australia

    3: PSM, Australia


    Numerical simulation of THM coupled behavior in the high-level radioactive waste disposal using OGS-FLAC

    Taehyun KIM (1), Chan-Hee PARK (2), Changsoo LEE (1), Jin-Seop KIM (1)

    1: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

    2: Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Republic of Korea (South Korea)


    Excavation stability of deep tunnels in water-bearing fault zones

    Gerold LENZ

    iC consulenten ZT GesmbH, Austria


    Development of an efficient parallelization scheme for fully implicit discontinuous deformation analysis (dda)

    Tatsuki TOKUDA (1), Ryota HASHIMOTO (2)

    1: Hiroshima University, Japan

    2: Kyoto University, Japan


    A fast and novel hybrid technique for simulation of fluid flow in large-scale fractured rock masses using streamline method and modified Bresenham line algorithm

    Sajad NAMDARI (1), Alireza BAGHBANAN (1), Hamid HASHEMOLHOSSEINI (2)

    1: Department of mining engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran

    2: Department of civil engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran


    A Surrogate Model for Automating Slope Stability Analysis

    Amichai MITELMAN (1), Beverly YANG (2), Davide ELMO (2)

    1: Ariel University, Israel

    2: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


    Estimation of fracture diameter probability distribution based on truncated trace-length data

    Jian LIU, Long YU, Xingguang ZHAO, Liang CHEN, Ju WANG

    all: CAEA Innovation Center for Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste, Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing, China


    GSI or JRC – continuum or discontinuum modelling – some suggestions and some critique

    Nicholas Ryland BARTON

    NB&A, Norway


    Evaluation of inclined loads in pillars stability

    Edjan BUSTAMANTE (1), Edgar MONTIEL (2), Alexandra OSSA (3)

    1: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

    2: Srk, Chile

    3: Insituto de Ingenería UNAM, México


    Shear wave propagation across jointed rocks of varying seismic impedance

    Kallol SAHA, Resmi SEBASTIAN

    all: Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, India


    Numerical Calibration of Laboratory Results of 3D Printed Sandstone Analogues using Finite/Discrete Element Method (FDEM)

    Dima SHAMSEDINE (1), Pooya HAMDI (1), Florian AMANN (1,2)

    1: RWTH Aachen University, Department of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Aachen, Germany

    2: Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructure and Geothermal Systems, IEG, Aachen, Germany


    Numerical evaluation of surface settlement induced by shield tunneling at rock mass

    Jun-Beom AN, Jeonguk BANG, Joo-Hyun SEONG, Gye-Chun CHO

    all: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea


    Numerical simulation of rock’s fatigue behavior using a modified indirect boundary element method

    Abolfazl ABDOLLAHIPOUR (2), Mohammad FATEHI MARJI (1), Rezvan ALIZADEH (1), Manouchehr SANEI (1)

    1: Department of Mining and Metallurgy, Faculty of Engineering, Yazd University, Islamic Republic of Iran

    2: School of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


    Numerical Study of Brittle Characteristics of Deep Buried Conglomerate Based on Discrete Element Method

    Mingfei YAN (1), Yan JIN (1), Yunhu LU (1), Zongyu LU (2)

    1: China University of Petroleum,Beijing, People's Republic of China

    2: PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Karamay, China


    Polymorphic uncertainty modelling of rock properties coupled with combined probabilistic and non-probabilistic framework for rock tunnel stability analysis

    Surabhi MAURYA (1), Dr. Gaurav TIWARI (2)

    1: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India

    2: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India


    Simulation of the run-out and mobilized volume of a 3D rock slope failure using the Material Point Method (MPM)

    Fabrício FERNÁNDEZ (1), Eurípedes VARGAS JR. (1), Miguel PAGANIN NETO (2), Elder RIBEIRO (2), Christiano NOGUEIRA (2), Camilla EUZEBIO (2), Joao DELVEAUX (2), Daniel MONTEIRO MACHADO (3), Claus NAVES EIKMEIER (3)

    1: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    2: VALE S.A.

    3: Tetra Tech Coffey


    The accurate knowledge of the joint term for rock mass classification and for the numerical tunnels analysis and its impact on the on the reinforcement’s costs

    Wagdi NAIME (1), Roque GARCÍA (2)

    1: Central University of Venezuela

    2: Andres Bello Catholic University


    Simulating on the evolution of natural pores and induced microcracks in rock samples: an elastoplastic damage Gurson type model

    Xu LI, Guangyao SI, Joung OH, Ismet CANBULAT

    all: UNSW, Australia


    Application of empirical and numerical modelling for stability analysis of developmental workings in an underground coal mine

    Surajit SARKAR, Manoj Kumar TIWARI, Syed Shah Ghalib ASKARI, Indranil SAHA, Piyush SRIVASTAVA, D.B. Sundara RAMAM

    all: Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur, India


    Evaluation of trends in tunnel lining utilization with regard to the moment of ring closure

    Vaibhav SHRINGI, Manuel Bernhard WINKLER, Alexander KLUCKNER, Thomas MARCHER

    all: Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria


    Numerical modeling of erosion in dense slurry flows

    Shahabedin HOJJATI (1), Hassan POURARIA (2), Seokwon JEON (1,3)

    1: Research Institute of Energy and Resources, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

    2: Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA

    3: Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


    A post-stack seismic sparse dictionary learning inversion method based on logging data - A case study of the Tarim Basin

    Long CHEN (1), Xin ZHANG (2), Li ZHAO (1), Bao ZHOU (1), Yan DING (3), Yunhu LU (2), Yutian HAN (1)

    1: PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Korla, China

    2: College of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum Beijing, China

    3: CNPC Engineering Technology RD Co., Ltd., Beijing,China


    Effect of joint dip on the transmission of stress waves from a moving point load in a parallel jointed rock mass

    Harry HOLMES (1), Chrysothemis PARASKEVOPOULOU (1), Mark HILDYARD (1), Krishna NEAUPANE (2), David CONNOLLY (1)

    1: University of Leeds, United Kingdom

    2: AECOM, United Kingdom


    Modelling time-dependent processes resulting from thermo-viscoelastic behaviour of rocks

    Donát M. TAKÁCS (1,2), Tamás FÜLÖP (1,2), Áron POZSÁR (1,2), Róbert KOVÁCS (1,2,3), Mátyás SZÜCS (1,2,3), Peter VÁN (1,2,3)

    1: Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

    2: Montavid Thermodynamical Research Group, Budapest, Hungary

    3: Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary


    Practical Implications of Using the Ubiquitous Joint Models in Continuum Applications

    Bijan PEIK (2), Andrew TSAI (3), Karl LAWRENCE (2), Karen MOFFITT (1)

    1: Equilibrium Mining Pty Ltd. (AU)

    2: Equilibrium Mining Inc. (USA)

    3: Equilibrium Mining Inc. (CA)


    Applicability of DEM - Rate Process Theory approach for rock creep simulation

    José G. GUTIÉRREZ-CH (1), Salvador SENENT (1), Eliana GRATEROL (1), Peng ZENG (2), Rafael JIMENEZ (1)

    1: E.T.S.I. de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

    2: Chengdu University of Technology, China

    Session T14: Petroleum engineering and carbon sequestration

    Chairpersons: Marlène VILLENEUVE (1), Reinhard SACHSENHOFER (2)

    1: Subsurface Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Austria

    2: Applied Geosciences and Geophysics, Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Determining the Magnitudes of Maximum and Minimum Horizontal Stresses from Borehole Data: Comparison Between Borehole Failure Approach and Poroelastic Strain Model

    Nazir MAFAKHERI BASHMAGH (1), Weiren LIN (1), Abbas KHAKSAR MANSHAD (2)

    1: Kyoto University, Japan

    2: Petroleum University of Technology, Iran


    Understanding shale fracture network complexity in the laboratory

    Aly ABDELAZIZ, Phyllis S. WU, Mei LI, Earl MAGSIPOC, Karl PETERSON, Giovanni GRASSELLI

    all: Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada


    Numerical investigations on THM coupled process during water flooding with multiple well patterns under non-isothermal two phase flow

    Yuhao LIU (1), Fengshou ZHANG (1), Dingwei WENG (2), Hongbo LIANG (2), Chunming HE (2)

    1: Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

    2: Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina, Beijing 100083, China





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Analysis of fracture initiation pressure of horizontal well in transversely isotropic shale reservoirs

    Lichun JIA, Hu DENG, Dianchen LIU, Zhilin LI, Weicheng LI

    all: Drilling & Production Technology Research Institute, CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited, People's Republic of China


    Analysis of time-dependent wellbore instability with a porochemothermoelastic coupling model in tight gas reservoirs

    Lichun JIA, Dengyun LU, Gui TANG, Changhong ZHOU

    all: Drilling & Production Technology Research Institute, CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited, People's Republic of China


    Mechanical anisotropy and tension-shear characteristics of shale in Pengshui area, Chongqing

    Shouding LI (1,2,3), Zhiquan YU (4), Supeng ZHANG (1,2,3), Jianming HE (1,2,3), Zhaobin ZHANG (1,2,3), Xiao LI (1,2,3)

    1: Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

    2: College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

    3: Innovation Academy for Earth Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

    4: Inspur Group Co Ltd, Jinan, China


    Faults reactivation risk evaluation during water injection into shale gas reservoirs: A case study

    Pengwei ZHANG, Huantong LIU, Lili LI, Baoguo LIU

    all: Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China


    Well Cement Composition Optimization for Deep Well Applications

    Guodong CHENG (1), Xueyu PANG (1), Zhengsong QIU (1), Jiankun QIN (1), Ning LI (2)

    1: School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, P. R. China

    2: Oil and Gas Engineering Research Institute (Tarim oilfield Company), China National Petroleum Corporation, Tarim, P. R. China


    A data-driven model for the prediction of stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) evolution during hydraulic fracturing

    Zhao FENG (1), Fengshou ZHANG (1), Xianda SHEN (2), Bichen YAN (3), Zhaowei CHEN (4)

    1: Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

    2: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Clarkson Univeristy, Potsdam, NY, USA

    3: Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center, Physical Science and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

    4: CNPC Drilling Research Institute, Beijing, China


    Laboratory hydraulic fracturing experiments on thermally treated tight sandstone samples under step up incremental loading

    Pankaj RAWAT, Narendra Kumar SAMADHIYA

    all: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India


    Carbon dioxide impact on the mechanical properties of a sandstone from San Jorge Gulf Basin (Argentina)

    Cecilia LASKOWSKI (1,2), Diego MANZANAL (2), Mauro MUÑIZ-MENÉNDEZ (3), Sandra ORLANDI (1), José ALLARD (1)

    1: Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina

    2: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

    3: Laboratorio de Geotecnia, CEDEX, Madrid, Spain


    Numerical investigation of cement sheath integrity under thermo-mechanical coupling based on damage mechanics

    Chenwang GU (1), Yongcun FENG (1), Nan CHEN (2), Xiaorong LI (1), Jingen DENG (1)

    1: China University of Petroleum Beijing, Beijing, China

    2: Pengbo Operating Company of CNOOC (China) Co., Ltd, Tianjin, China


    Mechanism of wellbore collapse for Carboniferous, Ordovician and Cambrian strata in Southwestern Tarim of China

    Yong SHENG (1), Bing BAI (2), Jinzhi ZHU (1), Zexv ZHANG (2), Haiying LU (1), Mian CHEN (2), Yunhu LU (2)

    1: Tarim Oil Field Company, Petro China

    2: State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)


    The challenge of ocean shallow extended reach wells: how to achieve a farther extension limit

    Yiqi ZOU, Xuyue CHEN, Deli GAO, Siyuan YIN, Qiqi YANG

    all: China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China


    Prediction of Safe Mud Window Based on Seismic Data in Carbonate Formation

    Huiwen PANG (1), Hanqing WANG (2), Yan JIN (1)

    1: China University of Petroleum-Beijing

    2: Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, SINOPEC, People's Republic of China

    Session T15: Rock and rock mass properties

    Chairpersons: Andreas GORICKI (1), Thomas FRÜHWIRT (2)

    1: 3G Gruppe Geotechnik Graz ZT GmbH, Seiersberg-Pirka, Austria

    2: Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Influence of microscopic composition on the strength of rock-like materials under various loading rates

    Meng-Chia WENG (1), Hoang-Khanh LE (1), Hung-Hui LI (2), Chih-Shan LEE (1), Chia-Chi CHIU (3)

    1: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

    2: National Defense University

    3: National Taipei University of Technology


    The influence of microwave treatment on the Cerchar abrasivity of igneous rocks

    Sair KAHRAMAN (1), Egemen SAYGIN (2), Mustafa FENER (3)

    1: Hacettepe University, Turkey

    2: RPM Global-Turkey

    3: Ankara University


    Effect of normal stress on dynamic friction weakening of granitic rock joints under cyclic shear

    Kai ZHANG (1), Ling ZHU (2), Li CHENG (3), Qingchao LYU (4), Yaoru LIU (1)

    1: Tsinghua University, People's Republic of China

    2: Hydropower Engineering Technology Research Center, Academy of Science and Technology, China Three Gorges Corporation

    3: China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute

    4: Powerchina Northwest Engineering Corporation Limited


    Flow simulation in digital rough fractures by considering anisotropic roughness and geometrical combinations

    Xunhui XU (1), Weiren LIN (1), Han BAO (2), Peijie YIN (2)

    1: Kyoto University

    2: Chang'an University


    Assessment of the creep behavior of siltstone for the Snowy 2.0 hydropower station using multistage uniaxial and triaxial creep tests

    Samer ABOU KHEIR (1), Andrea BROGIATO (1), Patrick LIGNIER (2), Angelo LAMBRUGHI (3), Gabriele DE CARLI (4), Mark DIEDERICHS (5), Ivan CHING (6), Damiano FRONTINI (7)

    1: Tractebel Engineering S.A, Gennevilliers, France

    2: Tractebel Engineering S.A, Lyon, France

    3: Webuild S.p.A, Milan, Italy

    4: Webuild S.p.A, Rome, Italy

    5: Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada

    6: Snowy Hydro Limited, Cooma, Australia

    7: Future Generation Joint Venture, Cooma, Australia


    Intact Strength Determination of Rock Containing Mesodefects using the Leeb Hardness Test

    Andrew Garnet CORKUM (1), Derek KINAKIN (3), Diego MAS IVARS (2)

    1: Dalhousie University, Canada

    2: BGC Engineering Inc, Canada

    3: SKB and KTH, Sweden


    Physical modelling of bimrocks in large scale direct shear apparatus


    all: University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Republic of North Macedonia


    Application of Digital Image Correlation for Analysis of Anisotropic Materials Under Tension

    Timothy Robert Michael PACKULAK, Émélie GAGNON, Samuel Keith WOODLAND, Jennifer Jane DAY

    all: Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Queen's University, Canada


    A modification of nonlinear Forchheimer’s coefficient for fracture flow during shear

    Min GAO, Xu ZHU, Chengguo ZHANG, Joung OH

    all: University of New South Wales, Australia


    Temperature-dependent strength of ice-filled discontinuities in frozen and thawing rock masses

    Greg GAMBINO (1), John P. HARRISON (2)

    1: University of Toronto, Canada (now at WSP Canada Inc.)

    2: University of Toronto, Canada


    Influence of the specimen slenderness on the direct tensile strength of rocks

    Mauro MUÑIZ-MENÉNDEZ (1), Ignacio PÉREZ-REY (2)

    1: CEDEX, Madrid, Spain

    2: University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain


    Spatial modeling of rock strength heterogeneity and anisotropy using Universal Discontinuity index (UDi)

    Amin HEKMATNEJAD (1), Eduardo ROJAS (2), Alvaro PEÑA (3), Benoit CRESPIN (4)

    1: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile

    2: CODELCO, Chile

    3: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile

    4: University of Limoges, France


    Elucidation of microscopic stress state within surface asperities of a rock joint

    Bunyuu HASEGAWA (2), Sota HIGASHI (1), Atsushi SAINOKI (1)

    1: Kumamoto University, Japan

    2: Tokyo University, Japan


    Cracking evolution for deep hard coal using X-ray in-situ micro-CT technology and fractal theory

    Liang ZHANG (1,2), Xiaopeng LI (1), Qingxin QI (1), Haitao LI (1)

    1: Deep Mining and Rockburst Research Institute, CCTEG Chinese Institute of Coal Science, Beijing, China

    2: State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control, Henan Polytechnic University, JiaoZuo, Henan, China


    A Study on Dynamic Shear Properties of Bimrock

    Nazlı TUNAR ÖZCAN (1), Elif AVŞAR (2)

    1: Hacettepe University

    2: Konya Technical University


    Investigation on the influence of non-stationary trend on the shear strength of rock joints

    Changshuo WANG, Shigui DU, Weiming LIU, Rui YONG, Zhanyou LUO

    all: Institute of Rock Mechanics, Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China


    Failure response of rocks under different cyclic loading histories

    Abbas TAHERI (1), Roohollah SHIRANI FARADONBEH (2)

    1: Queen's University, Canada

    2: Curtin University, Australia


    A new simple shear test of rock prism specimen by torsional shearing

    Yota TOGASHI (1), Riho HIRASAWA (2), Masahiko OSADA (1)

    1: Saitama University, Japan

    2: Saitama University (presently Oriental Consultants), Japan


    A theoretical framework for calibrating the transversely isotropic elastic rock parameters from UCS tests on cylindrical specimens using circumferential strain measurements

    Manuel WINKLER, Thomas FRÜHWIRT, Thomas MARCHER

    all: Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, TU Graz, Austria


    Swelling pressures of clay rocks from laboratory tests: experience and improvements

    Walter STEINER (1), Fritz MADSEN (2), Jean-François MATHIER (3)

    1: B+S AG, Bern, Switzerland

    2: Consultant, ret. ETHZ. Adliswil, Switzerland

    3: Consultant, ret. EPFL, Avenches, Switzerland


    The Interplay between Geometry and THMC Processes

    Mengsu HU (1), Laura PYRAK-NOLTE (2)

    1: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

    2: Purdue University, USA


    Determining the transversely isotropic elastic constants from strain data by means of different mathematical approaches

    Manuel A GONZÁLEZ-FERNÁNDEZ (1), Ignacio PÉREZ-REY (1), Leandro R ALEJANO (1), José MURALHA (2), Seungki HONG (3), Ki-Bok MIN (3)

    1: Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Engineering, University of Vigo, Spain

    2: Concrete Dams Department, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal,

    3: Department of Energy Systems Engineering and Research Institute of Energy and Resources, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


    Characterization of Mobilized Cohesion, Friction and Dilation Angles of Brittle Rock During Plastic Deformation

    Sarbartha SARKAR, Rakesh KUMAR

    all: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India


    Hard soil and rock classification – Pressuremeter data versus tests on samples

    Peter ALLAN (1), Jean-Pierre BAUD (2), Robert HEINTZ (3)

    1: Pace Geotechnics, Morpeth, Northumberland, United Kingdom

    2: Eurogéo, France

    3: Eurasol, Luxembourg


    On the crack initiation location in the Brazilian test: Griffith-based insight

    Yousef NAVIDTEHRANI (1), Covadonga BETEGÓN (1), Robert W. ZIMMERMAN (2), Emilio MARTÍNEZ-PAÑEDA (2)

    1: University of Oviedo, Gijon, Spain

    2: Imperial College London, London, UK


    Fundamental study on estimation of permeability at in-situ EDZ from pore air pressure response

    Masahiko OSADA, Koji OSAWA, Christina Putri WIDYANINGTYAS, Yota TOGASHI

    all: Saitama University, Japan


    Micro-fracturing in SCB test: Acoustic emission analysis

    Matej PETRUZALEK (1), Ali AMINZADEH (1), Vaclav VAVRYCUK (1,2), Zuzana JECHUMTALOVA (2), Petr KOLAR (2), Josef ROTT (3,4), Tomas LOKAJICEK (1)

    1: Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

    2: Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science, Czech Republic

    3: Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

    4: Správa železnic, státní organizace, Czech Republic


    Physical Modeling in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering

    Herbert H. EINSTEIN

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America


    The Tauernmoos pressure tunnel: a multidisciplinary approach to verify and ensure design rock mass conditions during construction

    Andreas MAYER (1), Franz REITER (2), Andreas FREUDENTHALER (3), Miroslav MARENCE (4)

    1: Büro für Geologie und Hydrogeologie ZT GMBH, Austria

    2: ÖBB Infrastruktur AG

    3: AFRY Austria GMBH

    4: AFRY Austria GMBH


    4D imaging of crack evolution and failure mode in 3DP rock-like samples under uniaxial compression by using in-situ micro-ct technology

    Yulong SHAO, Jineon KIM, Jae-Joon SONG

    all: Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of South Korea


    Mechanical properties of 3D printed sandstone analogue with different binder rates

    Minoru SATO (1), Takato TAKEMURA (2), Daisuke ASAHINA (3)

    1: Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan

    2: Geomechanics Lab., Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Nihon University

    3: Geological Survey of Japan, AIST


    Effect of cyclic thermal loading on a carbonate rock: implications for thermal energy storage

    Katharina Meta NEUMANN, Mandy DUDA, Tobias BACKERS

    all: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany


    Experimental and numerical study on the creep behavior of a rock mass with filled joints

    Maximiliano R. VERGARA (1,2,3), Ana LIBREROS (4), Karl BALTHASAR (3)

    1: Skava consulting SA, Providencia, Chile

    2: Skava consulting ZT, Salzburg, Austria

    3: Institute of Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

    4: Ed. Züblin AG, Zentrale Technik - Tunnel Engineering, Stuttgart, Germany


    Direct shear tests on large natural and artificially induced rock fractures in a new laboratory equipment


    all: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Sweden





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Estimation models for deformability of marlstones based on their physical and mechanical properties and for variable load range

    Srđan KOSTIĆ

    Jaroslav Cerni Water Institute, Serbia


    Optimization of UCS testing of limestone rock

    Jørgen Steen STEENFELT

    COWI, Denmark


    Study on the mechanical characteristics of rock-concrete Brazilian disc based on DEM

    Yadong XUE (1), Lushan SHU (1), Kai SHEN (2), Yongfa GUO (3)

    1: Department of Geotechnical Engineering College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

    2: School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China

    3: China Railway Eryuan Kunming Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd, Kunming, China


    The Bologna interpretation of rock bridges: what is real and what has the potential to be real?

    Davide ELMO

    University of British Columbia, Canada


    Development and functional verification of an ultra-deep drilling core geological environment true triaxial apparatus

    Xiwei ZHANG, Lei SHI

    all: Northeastern University, Shenyang, China


    Temperature- and pressure-dependent dynamic and static elastic moduli

    Jian YANG (1,2), Li-Yun FU (1,2)

    1: Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Deep Oil and Gas, China University of Petroleum (East China)

    2: School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (East China)


    A practical approach to determining the basic friction angle of natural and rough discontinuities in carbonate rock slopes

    Zhen YE (1), Qian LIU (2), Qiang XU (1), Xiujun DONG (1), Feng PU (1)

    1: State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology, China

    2: Graz University of Technology, Austria


    Study on the relationship between uniaxial compressive strength and elastic properties of limestone with various sample diameter

    Hasan ARMAN, Safwan PARAMBAN

    all: United Arab Emirates University, College of Science, Geosciences Department, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates


    Behaviour of a pre-defined crack propagating under dynamic tensile loading condition

    Rabin Kumar SAMAL, Gangavarapu Teresa DES DE MONA, Sunita MISHRA

    all: Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India


    Numerical Analysis of Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Indian Sandstone under Dynamic Compressive Loading Condition

    Abhishek MOHAPATRA, Anjali KUMARI, Sunita MISHRA

    all: Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India


    Evaluation of the dilatant behavior of a crystalline rock using full-field optical imaging and ultrasonic monitoring

    Deepanshu SHIROLE (1), Gabriel WALTON (2), Ahmadreza HEDAYAT (3), Sankhaneel SINHA (4)

    1: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

    2: Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA

    3: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA

    4: Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA


    Hydromechanical characterization of Château-Landon chalk behavior

    Danielle PAJIEP (1,2), Jian-Fu SHAO (2), Nathalie CONIL (1), Mountaka SOULEY (1), Philippe GOMBERT (1)

    1: National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks

    2: University of Lille


    The dynamic tensile strength and failure characteristics of transversely isotropic shale under impact Brazilian test

    Lichun JIA, Qicong XU, Chongjun HUANG, Lei LI, Xiao WEI, Changhong ZHOU

    all: Drilling & Production Technology Research Institute, CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited, People's Republic of China


    Evaluation of different methods for determining rock masses stiffness

    Neil BAR (1,2), Wulf SCHUBERT (1)

    1: Graz University of Technology, Austria

    2: Gecko Geotechnics LLC, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


    Shear strength determination of very rough and partially filled extension fractures in thick-bedded and karstified limestones

    Petar HRŽENJAK (1), Ivana DOBRILOVIĆ (1), Dražen NAVRATIL (2), Biljana KOVAČEVIĆ ZELIĆ (1)

    1: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Croatia

    2: Croatian Geological Survey, Croatia


    Estimation of cutting force considering intermediate dynamic rock strength using multiple linear regression

    Yudhidya WICAKSANA (1), Suseno KRAMADIBRATA (2), Seokwon JEON (3)

    1: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

    2: Bumi Resources Minerals, Indonesia

    3: Seoul National University, Republic of Korea


    Study of stress-dependent dynamic properties of jointed rock using resonant column apparatus


    all: Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India


    Low-temperature Thermal diffusion in Rocks

    Zhiqiang LIU (1,2), Linlin WANG (1,2), Shihui YU (1,2)

    1: China University of Petroleum-Beijing, People's Republic of China

    2: State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China 2 China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China


    Predicting strength loss of igneous rocks treated with microwave energy

    Sair KAHRAMAN (1), Ahmet Niyazi CANPOLAT (2), Mustafa FENER (3)

    1: Hacettepe University, Ankara, Türkiye

    2: General Directorate of Mineral Research and Explorations, Ankara, Türkiye

    3: Geological Engineering Department, Ankara University, Ankara, Türkiye


    Shear failure and fracturing of horizontally layered shale

    Marte GUTIERREZ (1), Daisuke KATSUKI (1), Runar NYGRAARD (2)

    1: Colorado School of Mines, United States of America

    2: Oklahoma University, United States of America


    Effect of rock stiffness change on acoustic emission

    Vladimir FRID

    Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel


    Proposition of an accelerated cycling procedure for rocks with low porosity

    Natália de Faria SILVA, Eduardo Antonio Gomes MARQUES, Carolina Crissafe dos Santos LEMOS, Carolina de Souza Pires COSTA

    all: Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil


    Back-analysis of rock mass parameters at the Semmering Base Tunnel based on the convergence confinement method

    John William de Bradnee MARTIN (1), Alexander KLUCKNER (1), Gerold LENZ (2), Thomas MARCHER (1)

    1: Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

    2: iC consulenten ZT GesmbH, Austria


    Size effect and correlation with hardness of the microscopic fracture toughness of the minerals of granite


    all: Tohoku University, Japan


    Determination of an empirical relations between mode I fracture toughness using CB and SCB specimens and Brazilian tensile strength of rocks

    Leona VAVRO (1), Martin VAVRO (1), Minami KATAOKA (2)

    1: The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geonics

    2: The University of Tokyo, Department of Systems Innovation


    Effects of weathering on geotechnical properties of basalt rocks from the Vidarbha region in Maharashtra, India

    Anjan PATEL (1), Srikanth KANDALAI (1), Nithin Jacob JOHN (1), Shrirang PANDE (2)

    1: Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India

    2: M/s Standard Precision Testing Laboratory, Khadgaon Road, Lava, Nagpur-23, India


    Physical-mechanical properties of a granite used in the UNESCO World Heritage of the north of Portugal after high-temperature pretreatment

    Roberto TOMÁS (1), Miguel CANO (1), Luis F. PULGARÍN (1), Vicente BROTONS (1), David BENAVENTE (1), Tiago MIRANDA (2), Graça VASCONCELOS (2)


    2: ISISE, Departamento de Engenharia Civil. Universidade do Minho, Portugal


    The combined effects of water saturation and strain rate on crack initiation and damage stress of rock

    Jun ZHU (1), Jianhui DENG (2)

    1: Key Laboratory of Mountain Hazards and Earth Surface Process, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Chengdu,China

    2: College of Water Resources and Hydropower, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China


    Experimental evaluation of anisotropic dynamic and static elastic modulus in deep Longmaxi shale

    Lichun JIA, Hu DENG

    all: Drilling & Production Technology Research Institute, CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited, People's Republic of China


    The tensile strength and failure characteristics of transversely isotropic deep Longmaxi shale under Brazilian test

    Lichun JIA, Qicong XU

    all: Drilling & Production Technology Research Institute, CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited, People's Republic of China


    Characterization of Poisson’s ratio and Elastic Modulus of granitic rocks: from micro-crack initiation to failure

    Samad NARIMANI GHOURTLAR (1), Seyed Morteza DAVARPANAH (1), László KOVÁCS (2), Balázs VÁSÁÁRHELYI (1)

    1: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

    2: RockStudy Ltd, Pécs, Hungary


    Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling Triaxial Test Method for Rock with Fracture and Its Application

    Haiyang ZHANG (1,2), Feiyang LIU (1,2), Jian LIU (1,2), Xingguang ZHAO (1,2), Ju WANG (1,2)

    1: Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing, China

    2: CAEA Innovation Center for Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste, Beijing, China


    A Mathematical Model for Shear Stiffness and Dilation for Saw-Tooth Joints under CNL Conditions

    Sujeet BHARTI (1), Rakesh KUMAR (1), Debasis DEB (1), K. U. M. RAO (1,2)

    1: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India

    2: National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India


    A statistical damage constitutive model based on residual strength and Drucker-Prager criterion

    Chongyuan ZHANG (1), Hongtao LIU (1), Ping ZENG (2), yang XIA (2), Liang WEN (1), Bo ZHOU (1), Bao ZHOU (1)

    1: PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Korla, China

    2: China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China


    Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Bi-axial Loading of Sandstone Brazilian Disks

    Reza MOTTAGHI, Zhongwei CHEN, David J. WILLIAM, Mehdi SERATI

    all: The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


    Effect of temperature on the mechanical behavior and acoustic emission characteristics of a rock – like material

    Lucía CONDE-FERNÁNDEZ (1), Víctor MARTÍNEZ-IBÁÑEZ (2), Martina-Inmaculada ÁLVAREZ-FERNÁNDEZ (1), María-Elvira GARRIDO-DE LA TORRE (2), Celestino GONZÁLEZ-NICIEZA (1), Carlos HIDALGO-SIGNES (2)

    1: University of Oviedo, Spain

    2: Universitat Politècnica de València


    Understanding the Microscopic Mechanisms of the bi-modular behavior of rock

    Samarjeet KUMAR, Aditi NUWAL, Shantanu Kumar PATEL

    all: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India


    Thermal degradation study of Westerly granite by ultrasonic sounding and mercury porosimetry

    Tomas LOKAJICEK (1), Daniela RIMNACOVA (2), Richard PRIKRYL (3), Ali AMINZADEH (1), Matej PETRUZALEK (1)

    1: Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

    2: Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

    3: Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic


    Porosity of source rocks eligible for interaction with gases and liquids

    Daniela ŘIMNÁČOVÁ (1), Dominik VÖRÖŠ (1), Vendula NATHEROVÁ (1,2), Richard PŘIKRYL (2), Tomáš LOKAJÍČEK (3)

    1: Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

    2: Institute of Geochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

    3: Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic


    Influence of grain-size on damage in thermally treated granites- A Review and Novel quantification techniques

    Rahul Rooplal KATRE, Nikhil Ninad SIRDESAI, Sandeep PANCHAL

    all: Department of Mining Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


    Full-field strain evolution in Brazilian Disc tests using Digital Image Correlation and Adelaide University Indirect Tensile strength test (AUSBIT)

    Rupesh Kumar VERMA (1), Giang Dinh NGUYEN (2), Murat KARAKUS (2), Abbas TAHERI (3)

    1: Aurelia Metals, New South Wales, Australia.

    2: University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia

    3: Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Canada


    Influence of shape surface on the actual stress distribution generated along the contact during the uniaxial compressive strength test

    María RAMÍREZ-BERASATEGUI (2), Diego-José GUERRERO-MIGUEL (1), Ramón GUTIÉRREZ-MOIZANT (2), María-Belén PRENDES-GERO (1), Martina-Inmaculada ÁLVAREZ-FERNÁNDEZ (1)

    1: DinRock Group. Universidad de Oviedo.

    2: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


    Geomechanical characterization of two granites to establish an experimentally based benchmark for numerical simulation – a laboratory study

    Lucas Conrad WITTE, Mandy DUDA, Murat AYDIN, Hossein ASGHARI CHEHREH, Tobias BACKERS

    all: Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany


    Point Load Strength Index of a limestone exposed to high temperatures and correlation with uniaxial compressive strength

    María Elvira GARRIDO (1), José B. SERÓN-GAÑEZ (1), Víctor MARTÍNEZ-IBÁÑEZ (1), Carlos HIDALGO-SIGNES (1), Roberto TOMÁS (2), Martina-Inmaculada ÁLVAREZ-FÉRNANDEZ (3)

    1: Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

    2: Universidad de Alicante

    3: Universidad de Oviedo


    Modified transient plane source measurements of Olkiluoto migmatite

    Risto KIURU (1), Sophie HAAPALEHTO (2)

    1: Oy Rock Physics Finland Ltd, Finland

    2: Posiva Oy, Finland


    Mechanical properties of carbonate fault rocks

    Vasileios KALLIMOGIANNIS (1), Charalampos SAROGLOU (1,2)

    1: National Technical University of Athens, Greece

    2: University of Leeds, UK


    Classification of weak, carbonate fault rocks

    Vasileios KALLIMOGIANNIS (1), Charalampos SAROGLOU (1,2)

    1: National Technical University of Athens, Greece

    2: University of Leeds, UK


    Variation in the drilling rate in thermally treated limestones through penetration-time curves from Sievers’ J-miniature drill tests

    Víctor MARTÍNEZ-IBÁÑEZ (1), Carlos HIDALGO SIGNES (1), María Elvira GARRIDO (1), José Bernardo SERÓN GÁÑEZ (1), Roberto TOMÁS (2), Celestino GONZÁLEZ-NICIEZA (3)

    1: Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

    2: Universidad de Alicante, Spain

    3: Universidad de Oviedo, Spain


    Effect of scale and in-situ stress ratio on the deformation modulus of rock mass around tunnels

    Sai Srujan Kumar CHALAVADI (1), Mahendra SINGH (1), Yogendra SINGH (1), Jaysing CHOUDHARI (2)

    1: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India

    2: Fortescue Metals Group Ltd, East Perth, West Australia


    New testing equipment to study dynamic fracture of rock and cement-based materials subjected to the action of roadheaders

    Diego-José GUERRERO-MIGUEL (1), Martina-Inmaculada ÁLVAREZ-FERNÁNDEZ (1), María-Belén PRENDES-GERO (1,2), Celestino GONZÁLEZ-NICIEZA (1), Covadonga BETEGÓN-BIEMPICA (2), Emilio MARTÍNEZ-PAÑEDA (3)

    1: DinRock Group, University of Oviedo

    2: Construction and Manufacturing Engineering Department, University of Oviedo

    3: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London


    Correlating uniaxial compression strength and static Young's modulus with Schmidt hardness for prasinites

    Dimitrios KOTSANIS, Pavlos NOMIKOS

    all: National Technical University of Athens, Greece


    Comparison of conventional and cyclic oedometer swelling tests on rock specimens

    Maximiliano R. VERGARA (1,2,3)

    1: Skava consulting SA, Providencia, Chile

    2: Skava consulting ZT, Salzburg, Austria

    3: Institute of Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics (IBF), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany


    Practical estimation of veinlets shear strength properties in hypogene rock mass

    Esteban HORMAZABAL, Andrea RUSSO

    all: SRK Consulting Chile, Chile


    Effect of loading rate on dynamic mixed mode I/II fracture behavior in rock

    Peiwang CAO (1), Tao ZHOU (2), Rui LI (1), Jianbo ZHU (2)

    1: State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

    2: Institute of Deep Earth Sciences and Green Energy, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China



    Size-dependent and Anisotropic Coulomb failure criterion

    Yun ZHAO (1), Brijes MISHRA (2), Qingwen SHI (3)

    1: Department of Mineral Resources, Hubei Xingfa Chemicals Group Co., Ltd, Yichang, China

    2: University of Utah, United States of America

    3: Department of Mining Engineering, North China Institute of Science and Technology, Langfang, China

    Session T16: Underground storage for liquid and gaseous media

    Chairpersons: Robert GALLER (1), Johann HERDINA (2)

    1: Subsurface Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Austria

    2:  formerlyTIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG, Innsbruck, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Large rock caverns for heat storage in district heating networks – A comparative study for the city of Salzburg

    Sophie MESSERKLINGER (1), Mikkel SMAADAHL (2), Daniel PÖTSCH (3), Carlo RABAIOTTI (2), Erich SAURER (4)

    1: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria

    2: Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

    3: Salzburg AG, Salzburg, Austria

    4: Skava Consulting ZT GmbH, Salzburg, Austria


    Mechanical stability of a salt cavern used for hydrogen storage

    Hippolyte DJIZANNE (1), Benoit BROUARD (2), Grégoire HÉVIN (3)

    1: INERIS, France

    2: Brouard Consulting

    3: Storengy


    What can be the future of underground storages in the context of green energy? - Geomechanical aspects

    Philippe VASKOU (1), Nicolas GATELIER (2)

    1: University of Cergy-Paris, France

    2: Geostock, Rueil-Malmaison, France


    Numerical Modelling of Induced Seismicity along a Fault during CO2 Injection into a Subsurface Reservoir

    James Edward John BURTONSHAW, Adriana PALUSZNY, Robert ZIMMERMAN

    all: Imperial College London, United Kingdom


    A guidance for the optimal site location of Cavern Thermal Energy Storage (CTES)

    Stefan ZELZER, Thomas GEISLER, Thomas MARCHER

    all: Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz University of Technology, Austria


    Hybrid CO2 based thermo-mechanical underground energy storage - a numerical geomechanical review

    Daniel Hubert BÜCKEN (1,2), Tobias BACKERS (1)

    1: Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

    2: geomecon GmbH, Berlin, Germany





    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Shale gas accumulation mechanism in the shallow burial depth: Insights from mechanical properties and methane adsorption capacity

    Duo WANG (1,2), Xiao LI (1), Hang YUAN (3), Guanfang LI (1)

    1: Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

    2: SINOPEC Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, Beijing, China

    3: School of Geophysics and Information Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China


    Thermomechanical Behaviour of Rock Salt

    Sasan MORAVEJ (1), Mehdi SERATI (1), Mojtaba BAHAADDINI (2), David WILLIAMS (1)

    1: The University of Queensland, Australia

    2: Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran


    The fracture behavior of rock salt under present gas pressure in mechanical extension experiments


    all: Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany


    Conversion of existing natural gas storage caverns for hydrogen storage – some selected aspects to be considered

    Karl-Heinz LUX, Tianjie PAN, Ralf WOLTERS, Jörg FEIERABEND

    all: Clausthal University of Technology, Germany


    Investigating and evaluating the geomechanics of geological storage of hydrogen from methane decomposition

    Manouchehr SANEI, Mohammad FATEHI MARJI

    all: Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


    Experimental study on creep behavior of rock salt under complex stress paths

    Zongze LI (1,2), Jinyang FAN (1), Marion FOURMEAU (2), Chao DU (1), Deyi JIANG (1), Daniel NELIAS (2)

    1: State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, Chongqing University, China

    2: Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, CNRS, LaMCoS, UMR5259, Villeurbanne, France

    Session T17: Rock slope engineering

    Chairpersons: Alexander PREH (1), Johann Thomas SAUSGRUBER (2)

    1: Institute of Geotechnics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

    2: Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, Wildbach- und Lawinenverbauung, Innsbruck, Austria


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    The influence of a heavy storm on a slope subject to rockfall phenomena: the Bazena case study

    Battista TABONI (1), Gessica UMILI (1), Anna Maria FERRERO (1), Simone BLANC (2), Filippo BRUN (2), Stefano BRUZZESE (2), Luca M. ALBERTELLI (3), Iuri D. TAGLIAFERRI (3)

    1: University of Turin, Department of Earth Sciences, Italy

    2: University of Turin, Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, Italy

    3: Land&Cogeo


    Comparing different rock mass classifications using field and point cloud data on a rock cut

    Dragana SLAVKOVIĆ (1), Aljoša MITIĆ (2), Miloš MARJANOVIĆ (3)

    1: Institute of transportation CIP, Nemanjina6/IV, Belgrade, Serbia

    2: Central road laboratory LLC, Zivorada Petrovica 13, Novi Sad, Serbia

    3: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Djusina 7, Belgrade, Serbia


    Rock slope stability management along the road by machine learning through databasing disaster prevention records

    Hiroyuki HONDA (1), Yasuhiro MITANI (1), Hisatoshi TANIGUCHI (1), Ibrahim DJAMALUDDIN (2), Yurino KAWAURA (1)

    1: Kyushu University, Japan

    2: Hasanuddin University, Indonesia


    Discontinuum modelling of slope instability as a support tool for risk management

    Marco BARLA (1), Santina AIASSA (2), Francesco ANTOLINI (2), Alessandra INSANA (1), Andrea PERINO (2)

    1: Dept. Of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

    2: Geosolving srl, Torino, Italy


    A Parametric Study Illustrating the Effects of Moderately Anisotropic Rock Strength on the Stability of Large Slopes using Limit Equilibrium Analysis

    Ryan Alexander ZIEBARTH (1), Andrew G. CORKUM (1), Ian R. STILWELL (2), Derek KINAKIN (2)

    1: Dalhousie University, Canada

    2: BGC Engineering Inc


    The Correct Way to use the Hoek-Brown Strength Criterion for Slope Stability Analysis on the Example of Vals (Tyrol/Austria)

    Mariella ILLEDITSCH (1,2), Alexander PREH (1,2), Johann Thomas SAUSGRUBER (3)

    1: pi Geotechnik ZT GmbH, Austria

    2: Vienna University of Technology, Austria

    3: Federal Ministry Republic of Austria - Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, Austria


    Developing a Digital Twin: A Semi-Brittle Slope Failure Case Study from Pueblo Viejo Gold Mine

    Miosoty BAUTISTA (1), Juan Carlos COBIAN SALAS (1), Jessica LOPEZ (1), Neil BAR (2), Niccolò COLI (3), Francesco COPPI (3), Andreas GAICH (4), Markus PÖTSCH (4), Miriam BAUMGARTNER (4), Alison MCQUILLAN (5)

    1: Barrick Gold Corporation

    2: Gecko Geotechnics LLC

    3: IDS GeoRadar SRL

    4: 3GSM GmbH

    5: Rocscience Inc


    Sub-critical crack growth based time-dependent deformation model and its application to open-pit slope stability

    Tao XU (1), Zhiguo LI (1), Tianhong YANG (1), Xiaobing ZHENG (1), Wancheng ZHU (1), Tengfei FU (2)

    1: Northeastern University, People's Republic of China

    2: CSCEC-TAISEI Construction Ltd., Beijing, China


    Interaction between tunnels and slopes. Analysis of weak rock masses considering the Hoek-Brown failure criterion


    all: AECOM. Enterprise Capabilities Europe


    Activity and kinematic behaviors of gravitational slope deformation in the slate belt of Taiwan

    Cheng-Han LIN, Ming-Lang LIN

    all: Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


    Geotechnical and geophysical investigation of a rock mass for the design check of an ornamental stone quarry

    Maria Teresa CARRIERO (1), Cesare COMINA (2), Anna Maria FERRERO (2), Maria Rita MIGLIAZZA (1), Battista TABONI (2), Gessica UMILI (2), Federico VAGNON (1), Sergio Carmelo VINCIGUERRA (2)

    1: Polytechnic of Turin, Turin, Italy

    2: University of Turin, Turin, Italy




    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of poster presentation. NOT all of them will be presented.)


    Latest developments to increase the quality of flexible rockfall protection barriers

    Armin RODUNER, Helene LANTER, Manuel EICHER

    all: Geobrugg AG, Switzerland


    Slope safety assessment based on dynamic anchor force

    Zhibo JIA (1), Yan BAO (1), Lianjin TAO (1), Jin BIAN (2), Hu WEN (3), Haixiang ZHANG (3)

    1: The Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China

    2: College of Engineering, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China

    3: Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China


    Use of representative values of geometrical properties of discontinuities in rock slope verifications according to EC7


    all: CEDEX, Spain


    Capturing the roughness of discontinuity traces in the field with high accuracy: the effect of photograph resolution

    Clarence BUTCHER (1), Olivier BUZZI (1), Anna GIACOMINI (1), Robert BERTUZZI (2), Vaughan GRIFFITHS (3)

    1: The University of Newcastle, Australia

    2: PSM, Engineering Consultants

    3: Colorado School of Mines


    Rock slope design and residual risk management for Aktogay Copper Mine, Kazakhstan

    Nurkhair TELEU, Neil BAR, Herman ZLOBIN, Philipp MOHR

    all: KAZ MInerals, Kazakhstan


    A critical look to the practical use of Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and Slope Mass Rating (SMR)

    Miguel CANO (1), José Luis PASTOR (1), Roberto TOMÁS (1), Adrián RIQUELME (1), Luis JORDÁ (2), José SERÓN (3)

    1: University of Alicante, Spain

    2: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

    3: Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain


    Comparative study of finite and distinct element methods for stability assessment of a jointed rock slope

    Kripamoy SARKAR, Avishek DUTTA

    all: Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India


    Rock cut slope excavated for Settling basins of Seti Khola Hydropower Project

    Krishna Kanta PANTHI (1), Chhatra Bahadur BASNET (2)

    1: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway

    2: Clean Energy Consultant Pvt Ltd, Kathmandu, Nepal


    Modelling the shear behavior of clean rock joints using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems

    Yago Machado Pereira de MATOS (1), Silvrano Adonias DANTAS NETO (2), Guilherme de Alencar BARRETO (2)

    1: University of Brasilia, Brazil

    2: Federal University of Ceará, Brazil


    Rock Mechanics Characterization of Columnar Sandstone of Cerro Koi (Paraguay) and Some Slope Stability Issues of the Associated Open Pits

    Ömer AYDAN (1), Reşat ULUSAY (2), Jose PAVON (3), Nazli Tunar OZCAN (2)

    1: University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

    2: Hacettepe University, Ankara, Japan

    3: Jose Pavon & Asociados, Asuncion, Paraguay


    Evaluation of Rock Mass Quality using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Survey for Slope insability Assessment

    Muhammad JUNAID (1), Rini Asnida ABDULLAH (2), Radzuan SA'ARI (2)

    1: National University of Science and Technology

    2: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


    Assessment of structurally-controlled slope failure in a steeply dipping Iron ore mine

    Suryajyoti NANDA, Satyam CHOUDHURY, Shantanu PATEL

    all: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India


    A reliability-based design approach for geotechnical domain modelling in pit slope design

    Amoussou ADOKO, Hayes ANYASODOR

    all: School of Mining and Geosciences, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan


    Effect of blast damage zones on the stability of a Himalayan highway cut-slope continuum modelling approach

    Som NATH (1,2), Ashok Kumar SINGH (3), Harsh Kumar VERMA (2), Nachiketa RAI (1)

    1: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

    2: CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Regional Research Centre Roorkee (UK) India

    3: CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Regional Research Centre Bilaspur (CG) India


    Evaluation of weathering effects by CIELAB color space and image analysis technique for interbedded metasedimentary rock in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia

    Mazlina RAZALI (1,2), Mohd Ashraf MOHAMAD ISMAIL (1), Sharan Kumar NAGENDRAN (3), Zuraini ZAINAL (3), Hayato TOBE (4), Kensuke DATE (5), Yasuhiro YOKOTA (5), Hamzah HUSSIN (6)

    1: School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

    2: Centre for Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Permatang Pauh Campus, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

    3: Centre of Excellence for Engineering and Technology (CREaTE), Public Works Department (JKR), Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia

    4: Rock Mechanics and Hydro-geology Group, Kajima Technical Research Institute, Kajima Corporation, Japan

    5: Kajima Technical Research Institute Singapore, Kajima Corporation, Singapore

    6: Department of Geoscience, Faculty of Earth Science, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli, Kelantan


    Site specific joint spacing distribution of roadcut slopes in a selected stretch of national highway in Indian Garhwal Himalayas

    Lal HRUAIKIMA (1), Mahendra SINGH (1), Sarada Prasad PRADHAN (1), Jaspreet SINGH (2)

    1: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India

    2: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada

    Session T18: Early Career Forum (Young Researchers)

    Chairpersons: Vojkan JOVIČIĆ (1), Reşat ULUSAY (2), Yang QIANG (3)

    1: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    2: Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

    3: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


    (The contributions listed below are NOT in the chronological order of presentation.)


    Some thoughts on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering on Mars

    Ömer AYDAN

    University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan


    How to form competent rock engineers

    Michael ALBER (1), Leandro R. ALEJANO (2), Tobias BACKERS (3)

    1: Alber GeoMechanics/ Ruhr-University Bochum, Dortmund / Bochum, Germany

    2: University of Vigo, Dept. of Natural Resources & Environmental Engineering, Vigo, Spain

    3: Ruhr-University Bochum, Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology, Bochum, Germany


    Experimental assessment of high temperature-induced changes on frictional behavior of planar rock joints

    Gustavo André PANEIRO (1), Ignacio PÉREZ-REY (2), Xian ESTÉVEZ-VENTOSA (2), Leandro R. ALEJANO (2)

    1: DER/CERENA, Técnico Lisboa, ULisboa, Portugal

    2: CINTECX, Grupo de Xestión Segura e Sostible de Recursos Minerais, Universidade de Vigo, Spain


    Stability analysis of a rock slope: Fully-probabilistic approach

    Renato PEREIRA, José MURALHA, Luís LAMAS

    all: LNEC, Portugal


    Application of empirical rockfall classification methods to risk management in an Alpine valley road

    Maria Teresa CARRIERO (1), Maria Rita MIGLIAZZA (1), Claudio SCAVIA (1), Leandro R. ALEJANO (2)

    1: Department of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

    2: Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering, University of Vigo, Spain


    A study on the correlation between Hoek–Brown mi constant and Brinell hardness of intact rocks

    Anastasios TSIKRIKIS (1), Vassilis MARINOS (2), Theodosios PAPALIANGAS (1)

    1: Department of Environmental Engineering, Hellenic International University, Thermi, Greece

    2: Department of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece


    Skavica Hydropower plant, one of the most important energetical projects to be constructed in Albania

    Ardita MALAJ, Skender ALLKJA, Iljana KERO, Julian BELLIU, Besian XHAGOLLI

    all: ALTEA & Geostudio 2000, Albania



    Mechanical behavior of granitic rocks under elevated temperatures: implications for underground radioactive waste disposal safety and tunnelling

    Andor NÉMETH, Ákos TÖRÖK

    all: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, Budapest, Hungary

    Participation fees

    Proposed Fees Regular Member Retiree Student PhD Student
    15th International ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 770 € 620 € 420 € 120 € 300 €
    15th International ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 900 € 720 € 480 € 150 € 330 €
    15th International ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 950 € 770 € 530 € 200 € 380 €
    Virtual ISRM Congress/Geomechanics Colloquium (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 350 € 280 € 280 € 80 € 140 €
    Virtual ISRM Congress/Geomechanics Colloquium (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 400 € 320 € 320 € 100 € 160 €
    Virtual ISRM Congress/Geomechanics Colloquium (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 450 € 370 € 370 € 150 € 210 €
    Congress Card  * 32 € 32 € 32 € 32 € 32 €
    Workshop A (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 220 € 180 € 130 € 90 € 100 €
    Workshop A (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 250 € 200 € 170 € 100 € 120 €
    Workshop A (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 270 € 220 € 190 € 120 € 140 €
    Workshop B (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 140 € 100 € 90 € 50 € 80 €
    Workshop B (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 180 € 120 € 100 € 60 € 90 €
    Workshop B (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 200 € 140 € 120 € 80 € 110 €
    Workshop C (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 140 € 100 € 90 € 50 € 80 €
    Workshop C (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 180 € 120 € 100 € 60 € 90 €
    Workshop C (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 200 € 140 € 120 € 80 € 110 €
    Workshop D (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 140 € 100 € 90 € 50 € 80 €
    Workshop D (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 180 € 120 € 100 € 60 € 90 €
    Workshop D (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 200 € 140 € 120 € 80 € 110 €
    Workshop E (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 140 € 100 € 90 € 50 € 80 €
    Workshop E (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 180 € 120 € 100 € 60 € 90 €
    Workshop E (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 200 € 140 € 120 € 80 € 110 €
    Workshop F (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 140 € 100 € 90 € 50 € 80 €
    Workshop F (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 180 € 120 € 100 € 60 € 90 €
    Workshop F (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 200 € 140 € 120 € 80 € 110 €
    Workshop G (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 140 € 100 € 90 € 50 € 80 €
    Workshop G (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 180 € 120 € 100 € 60 € 90 €
    Workshop G (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 200 € 140 € 120 € 80 € 110 €
    Workshop H (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 140 € 100 € 90 € 50 € 80 €
    Workshop H (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 180 € 120 € 100 € 60 € 90 €
    Workshop H (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 200 € 140 € 120 € 80 € 110 €
    Workshop I (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 220 € 180 € 130 € 90 € 100 €
    Workshop I (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 250 € 200 € 170 € 100 € 120 €
    Workshop I (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 270 € 220 € 190 € 120 € 140 €
    Workshop J (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 220 € 180 € 130 € 90 € 100 €
    Workshop J (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 250 € 200 € 170 € 100 € 140 €
    Workshop J (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 270 € 220 € 190 € 120 € 140 €
    Workshop K (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 220 € 180 € 130 € 90 € 100 €
    Workshop K (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 250 € 200 € 170 € 100 € 120 €
    Workshop K (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 270 € 220 € 190 € 120 € 140 €
    Workshop L (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 140 € 100 € 90 € 50 € 80 €
    Workshop L (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 180 € 120 € 100 € 60 € 90 €
    Workshop L (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 200 € 140 € 120 € 80 € 110 €
    Workshop M (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 140 € 100 € 90 € 50 € 80 €
    Workshop M (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 180 € 120 € 100 € 60 € 90 €
    Workshop M (Walk in price 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 200 € 140 € 120 € 80 € 110 €
    Workshop N (Early bird 01.02.2023 - 10.07.2023)  * 220 € 180 € 130 € 90 € 100 €
    Workshop N (Regular price 11.07.2023 - 30.09.2023)  * 250 € 200 € 170 € 100 € 120 €
    Workshop N (Walk-In Preis 01.10.2023 - 01.12.2023)  * 270 € 220 € 190 € 120 € 140 €
    Field Trip A  * 120 € 100 € 100 € 80 € 100 €
    Field Trip B  * 120 € 100 € 100 € 80 € 100 €
    Field Trip D  * 120 € 100 € 100 € 80 € 100 €
    Field Trip F  * 30 € 30 € 30 € 30 € 30 €
    Guided Salzburg-Walk to the festive evening  * 10 € 10 € 10 € 10 € 10 €
    Sightseeing Tour A  * 25 € 25 € 25 € 25 € 25 €
    Sightseeing Tour B  * 24 € 24 € 24 € 24 € 24 €
    Sightseeing Tour C  * 31 € 31 € 31 € 31 € 31 €
    Sightseeing Tour D  * 140 € 140 € 140 € 140 € 140 €
    Sightseeing Tour F  * 60 € 60 € 60 € 60 € 60 €
    Sightseeing Tour G  * 60 € 60 € 60 € 60 € 60 €
    SightseeingTour E  * 65 € 65 € 65 € 65 € 65 €
    * incl. 10% VAT
    ** incl. 20% VAT

    The fees include:

    The participation fee includes participation in the conference and the trade exhibition, the conference bag, the buffet lunch and a concert on Wednesday, 11.10.23.

    Only persons under 26 years of age, without a regular income, are considered "students" (reduced participation fee). Doctoral students have their own price category. For both, proof of study must be uploaded at registration.

    You will receive your name badge (participant card) as well as all other conference documents exclusively at the conference desk in the congress center (NO participant documents will be sent out!).

    The fee for on-site participation also includes virtual access. The contributions will be stored and will be available (arround 3 weeks after the congress) for viewing online via our website until the end of the year 2023. 



    • The festive evening in the Stieglkeller is NOT included in the price - this must be booked separately!
    • Workshops can only be booked in conjunction with the congress!
    • Virtual participation: We do not guarantee the reception of the live streaming

    Accompanying Persons

    There is no separate program for accompanying persons. All options such as sightseeing programs or the festive evening can be booked individually. All accompanying persons are cordially invited to the Welcome Reception and the concert.